Hi everybody!
I have been very busy this month witha lot of sal and swap, I wish to increase my Beatrix next month!
huges Penny
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Pennipenny's january progress
Posted by Elisabetta at 22:06 5 comments
Labels: Pennipenny progress
January Progress
Posted by Joanie at 21:13 6 comments
Labels: January progress, Joanie
Drew's January progress
I got off to a slow start. My needle work shop has not received the silks I ordered so I changed to a DMC. I have never posted to a blog before so I hope this is ok.
Posted by Drew at 19:56 3 comments
Labels: 36 ct flax, DMC 4030
January Progress
Not much progress this month as I changed my choices from 28ct over one on the called for Zweigart linen to 36ct Lakeside Examplar linen over 2 threads, but still using Vikki Clayton's Fishpepper premium silk. I was not enjoying the over one and doubted whether I would finish, much happier now stitching over 2! The picture is a little dark, will try to take a better photo next month!
Posted by Grace at 18:03 2 comments
Labels: Grace, January progress
DonnaTN's Final Jan. Update
Here is what I have done so far. You may remember that I started out with a beautiful variegated thread. Although I love that variegation, it was too much for this project. About 2 weeks ago I switched gears and decided to go with DMC 919 as my main color and work some accent colors in as I go. After about 3 restarts and a number of amphibian infestations I finally got my groove on with this. I think I will give it a rest for the next week since I have been stitching pretty exclusively on it and I have some other things singing me a siren's song.
I can't wait to see everyone's progress. Each one looks so wonderful in its own unique way. Who knew the same pattern could be so personalized and still be gorgeous?!
Posted by DonnaTN at 17:43 1 comments
Labels: final Jan. update
Anita's January progress

Posted by anitaDK at 17:27 4 comments
January progress
I didn't get to stitch on this as much as I wanted to this month, but I have made a start at least! This is such a pleasurable thing to stitch fopr me and I don't feel any need to rush it! This is where I left off last night...I'll probably pick it up again next weekend. I am loving looking at everyone's pieces. They are all lovely and the different choices of fabric and color are wonderful.
Posted by lynda at 17:21 1 comments
I have put up the Jan progress list
Please could you check that I have put your name there and I will also add any remaining names that go on later today too. I have only added people that have actually put up a progress picture just to make it fair. If I have made an error and not included you then please email me and tell me the date of the post or a link to it. Thanks to everyone that has contributed this month and get ready for round 2!!
Posted by Hazel at 16:28 0 comments
Ruth Rachel V.'s January progress
I only have a small start but I am happy with how it looks so far!
and my threads are Pumpkin 1 and 2 by Victorian Motto.
Posted by Rachel V at 13:39 2 comments
Labels: January progress, Rachel V.
Karen V's January progress
I've managed to complete the left side of medallions, just by working on it one evening a week:I'm really pleased with my progress and hope I can keep it up! Everyone's versions are so different and so pretty, great work!
Posted by Anonymous at 12:45 4 comments
Labels: KarenV
Marie in TX's Progress
Posted by Marie in Minnesota at 03:20 2 comments
Labels: January's progress
DebbieSFL's Jan progress
Posted by DebbieSFL at 01:05 4 comments
Labels: Deborah, Jan update
Friday, 30 January 2009
Terry's January Progress
Posted by Terry at 21:22 6 comments
Rita's January progress
Hi girls!
As January is my busiest month workwise, I hardly had any time for stitching this beauty. However, I decided to restart mine, as that old linen sitched over one was very hard to do, and I wanted this to be a relaxing stitch. So I decided to do it on a sand linen (40 ct) with the same 902 DMC I used before. This is how it stands so far. I know it's not much, but still a start... Hope to do more in the coming months.
Posted by Rita at 19:14 5 comments
Labels: January progress, Rita
Deb/Lavender Rose Posts Progress
Posted by Deb at 18:40 6 comments
Cristina's January progress
Here goes where i am standing at the moment, 30th, evening - I hadn't posted before because i was trying to complete one more medallion, but hellas...I have just noticed one more frog and I have to undo part of it.
Although all the pleasure I have been having with this sampler and all the nice people of this blog, which is truly a motivation, help and comfort, my sampler looks like a pond full of frogs: for each medallion I have to stitch two! The important is to keep going.
Thank you for the advice on Q-snaps - they are fantastic!
Hazel is very right in asking us to write comments: I am one that seldom does it, although coming here everyday and everyday being nicely surprised for all the wonderful works everybody is doing. Congratulations to all and keep up your nice works.
Posted by Cristina at 18:35 5 comments
Labels: progress 3
Julianne's January Progress
I didn't get much stitched this month due to several home improvement projects that we have going on right now here.
I did decide to stitch the piece on 32 count desert sand linen and I'm using Gloriana silk in Mulberry color.
I look forward to being able to make more progress in February and I've really enjoyed reading everyone's posts and seeing all the lovely projects. Keep up the good work!
Posted by Julianne at 18:21 5 comments
Labels: January progress, Julianne
Posted by Marian at 17:58 5 comments
Labels: January progress, Marian
Maxine's Jan Update
I have been busy working on different wip's so there isn't an awful lot of progress for this month...
I love looking at all the different colours that everyone is choosing to stitch their samplers in ........ they all look amazing :)
Maxine So Much Stash - Sew Little Time (my blog)
Posted by Maxine at 14:36 5 comments
Labels: Jan update, Maxine
Just to encourage us all...
Please could you leave some encouraging comments on progress pictures. It is so nice to get an encouraging comment. Thanks to all those that have been leaving comments. Some who are new to blogging may not have realised that you can leave comments. Just click on the comments under the post and leave a nice encouragement. It will help me out too. Thanks for your time. Greatly appreciated.
Also to add that Allie has helped me with the spreadsheet. Thanks Allie! xx
Posted by Hazel at 12:03 1 comments
ElisabethB' s January progress

Posted by elisabethb at 06:54 9 comments
LadyDoc's progress report

Posted by Teresa at 03:56 7 comments
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Elisa's Progress
Posted by Elisa at 23:04 8 comments
Labels: Elisa, January progress
Shari's Jan. progress
I do not have very much progress, but I have at least started it! I am working on a model for someone & it is taking the bulk of my stitching time. As soon as it is finished, I will be able to devote more time to my SAL projects!!!
I think this will go pretty quick, once I can work on it more!
Posted by Shari at 12:10 3 comments
Another progress in January
Previous status:
That's my actual status:
my blog: http://dolcifusa.blogspot.com/
Posted by Dolci Fusa at 11:04 4 comments
Labels: January's progress, Veronica
Deb's January
Hi all
First off - all your work looks fabulous. What great variety. I started my piece on a plane heading from OZ to Paris and then had a few quite times in France and Spain to work on it. It was great to be able to log in and see what everyone else was up to. Haven't done much since I returned. Having a heatwave here (today is 43 C) so not so good for stitching. Anyway here is what I've done.
Cheers to all,
Posted by Deb at 07:05 4 comments
Labels: January's progress
RuthB's progress -- aka A Miracle!
Yes, my friends, a miracle has been bought about by this group and a new-fangled needle threader. I'll have to get back to you on what it's called but it is the first threader I've had that can actually work with those *#$(&@(#^** beading needles.
I began January at:
where I had been stalled for 2 years due to the blasted beading needle threading issue.
As of today I am here:
Yes! You do see both the milk chocolate beaded birds and the cream beaded flowers. See, it's a miracle!!!!
Thanks to you all for the inspiration.
Posted by Ruth at 03:30 3 comments
Labels: January's progress
Julie S. January Progress
Here is my January progress. 28 ct Lambswool using Thread Gatherer Silk 'N Colors in Nan's Mulberry. I've loved looking at everyone's progress! There is such a wide variety it's fun to look at them all!
Posted by Julie at 01:27 3 comments
Labels: January's progress, Julie S.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Tracy's January Progress
Well here it is my progress not much done as the frog came to visit twice that's what you get for stitching when your tired, it is stitched on 28ct Brittney Natural with Victorian Motto Threads
Posted by Tracy Dixon at 21:18 1 comments
Labels: January's progress, Tracy's Progress
Sally W's End of Jan Progress!
Posted by Sally at 14:22 3 comments
Labels: Sally W
A few days left to post your updates!
Just a reminder that there are only a few days left if you want to post an update to be entered for the end of year incentive. I have not had time to comment on all the beautiful pieces but I love every single one! I love that they are all so different and all unique. I think they are going to look stunning as we progress along. Meeting up with a friend at the weekend who is going to help me with doing a spreadsheet so should have progress names up by Feb 1st. Have fun.
Posted by Hazel at 13:42 1 comments
Finally an Update
First off I really enjoy looking at everyones progress. They are all so pretty. I love them all and congratulate all on their beautiful stitching.

Posted by Bonnie at 11:20 3 comments
Sandy's January Progress
Posted by Sandy at 02:45 3 comments
Labels: January progress
Jeanne's January progress
This is where I stopped for this month. I'm splitting my time with 2 other new starts this month so I won't be picking up Beatrix again until February. I am really enjoying stitching this although the big medallions take longer than you think they would! Everyone's sampler looks good and it's fun seeing so many different color choices. I am using Lakeside Linen's Vintage Maritime White with Waterlilies 'Chili' silk, some of Vikki Clayton's Fish Pepper line and a Needlepoint Silk.
Jeanne (Willow Tree Stitcher)
Posted by Jeanne at 01:56 1 comments
Labels: January progress, Jeanne M
January 2009 Progress for Sharon in St. Louis
Hi -- I have really enjoyed stitching on this project this month (much to the detriment of the other projects that I have going). I made what for me is a lot of progress -- thanks in part to several holidays from work and an unexpected snow day today that allowed me to finish the large flower motif.
It has been so much fun to see everyone's color selections and and progress to date.
Keep up the good work all and happy stitching,
Posted by SharoninStLouis at 00:56 2 comments
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
A small start for January
After a late start I finally managed to do some stitching at the weekend and take a photo. I'm still not sure about the colour but it does look a lot nicer in real life so I think I'll stick with it. I'm really enjoying stitching this pattern and so far, no frogs....
Posted by Sue at 21:02 1 comments
January start
Posted by Carol R at 11:02 1 comments
Labels: CarolR
Dolly's January Progress
This is my first post, I am a little too shy to post earlier due to my limited English.
Thread : SOIE D'ALGER SILK from Au Ver a Soie® ; #3023 & Blanc Optique
As you can see, I love pink and I am a Beatrix Potter fan. Thanks for looking !
Posted by Dolly at 04:52 3 comments
Labels: January's progress
Jamie's January Progress pic
I've finished two and a half motifs since January 1st, and I have this group to thank for the motivation.
I stitched a lot more than this in the past 3 weeks, but since now have 12 WIPs (that I'm counting:) 10 of them Quakers, the rest of my stitching this month was on a few of those other pieces.
Posted by Anonymous at 01:43 3 comments
Labels: 2nd WIP pic January, JamieQ, January progress
Monday, 26 January 2009
First post and progress pic.
Hi everyone,
This is my first post. I started my Beatrix Potter well over a year ago and somehow it almost turned into a UFO. I was very happy when I read about this SAL because I felt it would give me some much needed motivation to finish my piece.
I've just been looking at some of the progress pictures and love what I've seen.
So many gorgeous colourways and beautiful stitching.
I've just taken a picture of my progress so far. I'm using 32ct antique white linen with one strand of Vikki Clayton Dusty Rose silk. Although the name is Dusty Rose it's more of a pale lilac. If you click on the picture you'll get a better idea of how it looks.
I've already completed two motifs this month (I did say you would all motivate me) and am aiming for a third before the end of the month.
It's not the best picture. My linen is creased because I work in hand and it has been lying around a long time but I don't want to put an iron near it until it is finished.
Hopefully now that I've posted I'll be able to keep up with the blog. Thanks for having me here.
Posted by Solstitches at 17:19 5 comments

Posted by :: wee bird :: at 17:09 1 comments
Labels: jan, wee bird's progress
Rachael's 2nd January Progress
Posted by Stitchabilities at 17:05 4 comments
Labels: January's progress, Rachael