Hi and Happy New Year's Eve to all the Beatrix Potter fans. I am so happy to be a part of this group even though it has taken me numerous tries (and some help from Hazel and other members) to be able to finally post.
I have been stitching for almost 30 years (and no I did not start stitching as an infant, but rather when I was expecting our first child). I discovered Quaker designs more than two years ago when I was looking for an appropriate design to stitch as a wedding sampler for our oldest son and his bride to be. I found a lovely Ellen Chester - With My Needle design, called A Token of Love. I stitched it with a beautiful ivory silk on a tan hand-dyed linen, and have been seeking Quaker designs ever since then.
I've had my linen and silks for this project for about a month or so. I will be stitching Beatrix on 36 count Bisque by Lakeside Linen (over two) with Belle Soie silks in Rustique. I originally selected Belle Soie Icing as the secondary accent color, but until I get stitching, I won't know if I will stick with that choice or go for something a tad darker.
I hope to get my linen on my scroll bars today, so that I will be ready to stitch tomorrow.
I wish you all joyful stitching in the new year,
Sharon in St. Louis (Missouri)
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Sharon's Intro and Floss Toss
Posted by SharoninStLouis at 15:35 2 comments
Hi Sharon,
I don't know if I post in the correct way, as this is my first time in a blog, but as it works...
Firstly access your blog page - I do it by pressing my blog nickname (luanova) in the contributers' list. It gives my profile page. There I double click on the title Blogger and I access the Dashboard. In this page I find "New Post".
I'm sure there's an easier way, but so far I'm using this one that I found out.
Hope I have been of some help.
Posted by Cristina at 13:06 1 comments
Joining the Group
Hi everyone. I am DonnaTN from Memphis, TN. My sister, Tish, and I are joining the group. We are very excited about starting our Beatrix Potter Samplers. Thank you Hazel for letting us join. Better late than never.
Tish wants to stitch, not post, so I will be posting for the both of us. Tish is a retired elementary school librarian, so there is a strong BP connection.
This is a photo of my fabric and threads. We both have chosen more color than is in the original. I will have to go over to Tish's and take a photo of her choices. I am using Autumn Fields Cashel with a mix of Threadworx and DMC.
Posted by DonnaTN at 00:37 3 comments
Labels: fabric and thread choices
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Hi All from AZ!
Hi, I am Karen from Peoria, AZ. I finally decided i needed to take the plunge and get started on this piece. I have no idea what color fabric or threads i want to use. Well, i do have an idea, I am thinking of using Mer Blue by Belle Soie and coffee dying/baking my linen. I just need to get out this week to get my fabric and the threads. I am still on the line with the threads, so we will see what i come up with. I am also thinking about stitching this piece over 1, but that we will see about.
Posted by Karen at 20:14 1 comments
Labels: karen d. intro
Already or still making changes
Posted by Cristina at 17:29 3 comments
Hi fellow Beatrix fans - I see lots of familiar names in the list and thanks to Hazel for setting all this up for us. My blog name is Woolwoman but on most of the boards I frequent it is Melodyinfl. I like so many others have the entire Needleprints collection of charts in my stash - some have been started so are patiently waiting. Several guild friends have stitches Beatrix and she is certainly a beauty.
I have finally decided on Gloriana Cinnamon for the silk and 36ct Lakeside vintage light examplar for the linen. I don't have a scan yet - I just got a new Sony Cyber Shot and need to get some practice on it and upload a photo of my choice.
Sounds like a fun group! See you on New Years Day! Melody
Posted by woolwoman at 15:04 1 comments
Monday, 29 December 2008
Almost there
I decided I'd better get my piece all set up to be ready for Thursday. Good thing I did!
The q-snaps I brought from home (we are visiting our aunt in Florida for New Year's) were way too loose for the delicate linen. So I had to venture to the only close store which was a Michael's to get some kind of hoop. Brought home two different ones, just in case.
Then I had to put in a few center stitches to mount the hoop. Luckily I brought two packages of needles of different brands- since the silk only fit through the eye of one brand- which I know because of an extended period of frustration trying to thread the other brand. It was after this that I discovered, also through frustrating experience, that only one hoop worked.
I put in a little portion of the central motif- by then I was determined that I had to test everything so as not to be totally frustrated on Thursday. It has been a while since I worked on/with a) silks, b) 30 count and c) a true (and therefore uneven) linen. The silks have a texture that is really interesting and that I like, but I had to decide right away whether I was going to be OCD about how the stitches laid- which I promptly decided I was NOT! No railroading on a piece this size- if the silks have texture I am going to include that in the piece.
It took a while to get my mojo back for silk, all the slubs, wide and narrow threads and seeing, with some effort, 30 count, but after a little while it all got comfortable.
So, after much to-do, I am ready to begin on Thursday. I will post the picture of my "test run" on Thursday as my first post of the SAL. Until then, no stitching. I can't finish the piece I wanted to get done before starting this one- I brought the whole kit with me- except the CHART which is still attached to my stitching lamp at home. DUH!!!!
I am hoping the New Year will bring better stitching luck than the end of the old year, lol!
Posted by Teresa at 23:20 1 comments
Fabric and thread choice
Hi everyone, thanks to Hazel for organising this SAL and for letting me join in.
I'm stitching Beatrix on Lakeside Linens' 36ct Vintage Maritime White linen with HDF Examplar Raisin Wine; as you can see, I've been testing out the thread and I'm really happy with my choice.
Posted by Anonymous at 18:59 1 comments
Labels: KarenV
All Ready ...
I've cut my fabric and tea-dyed it, resulting in a subtle mottling. The sand colour got darker but that's okay since it gave an aged look. I'll be using Pumpkin B for most of the motifs and Pumpkin A (darker) for the filler motifs.
Posted by Barbara J at 02:31 5 comments
Labels: floss toss
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Beatrix Potter Quaker
Well it was just last week I finally got ahold of Jacqueline to able to get this pattern, now to get my linen and pick my threads. I love stitching Quaker motify's. I'm working on quite a few of them at the moment. I thought one more wouldn't make a difference at this point. I love all the colours that you stitcher have picked so far! I really haven't decided on what colour I'm going pick yet? I hope by Thursday I have made a decision on this so I can get started with everyone. Thanks, for letting me join in this SAL. I do better with I stitch others can't wait to see some pictures.
Kris UT
Posted by Kris3 at 23:58 1 comments
To join the SAL...
To be part of this SAL please can you email me with the subject "Beatrix Potter SAL" and I will send you an invite to the blog. I have just noticed a few people commenting about joining but I don't have access to your emails. You can get me at hazelhenry@hotmail.com and my details show in my profile. Sorry if people have been waiting a while - I just didn't see the comments. I would love you to join in and have by no means rejected anybody from joining this blog - it is NOT an exclusive blog. Hope to hear from more of you soon.
Just to reiterate - I do need you to email me before I can send you an invite to this blog.
Posted by Hazel at 21:46 0 comments
Ready for the SAL
Posted by Cristina at 17:29 1 comments
Paula Sibbald from Kelmscott Designs has contacted me to say that she would like to contribute something from the Kelmscott collection to the end of year drawing!!!!
Thank you so much Paula. I am sure this will spur us all on to work at this project each month!
Remember you can only be included for the end of year drawing if you show at least one progress post a month for twelve months. Obviously if you finish the project before then you will automatically be included in the drawing.
Paula will be joining us in this SAL too.
Have fun.
Posted by Hazel at 09:43 5 comments
I have finally decided
Posted by Bonnie at 03:26 1 comments
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Fabric and Threads
I decided to stay simple (like me, lol) for my fabric I have chosen Brittney Natural 28ct and my threads are a mixture of colours of Victorian Motto Threads these are not all of the colours I still have some on order, which hopefully will arrive shortly.
Posted by Tracy Dixon at 21:22 2 comments
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Finally Here!
I originally wanted to use an R and R fabric for this piece, but it wasn't in stock - so changed it to the Antique Ivory Belfast. The silk is Vikki Clayton, Quince and White - looks great!
I am leaving Boxing Day to holiday in France/Spain for a few weeks so I will start there and post my progress when I get back. Happy New Year all.
Posted by Deb at 11:32 1 comments
Monday, 22 December 2008
Fabric and Floss (Redwitch)
Thanks Hazel for hosting this SAL! I am really looking forward to making a start and have so enjoyed looking at everyone's choices of fabric and floss.
My fabric is 36ct Khaki from Sassy's Fabbys and I treated myself to Belle Soie silk 'Rose of Sharon' for the main shade. I thought I'd chosen a lighter shade of pink 'Rosebud' for the white but as you can see from the photo (Rosebud is on the left) it is almost exactly the same shade. Instead I might choose Belle Soie 'Oatmeal Scone' or 'Baguette', these came with the latest Loose Feathers so I have them already.
Festive greetings to you all :)
Posted by glamlawlib at 17:07 3 comments
Labels: Redwitch
Sunday, 21 December 2008
I'm joining the SAL!
Hello everyone - I'm Paula Sibbald from Bengough Saskatchewan Canada. In the stitching world I am known as the designer/owner of Kelmscott Designs.
I'm quite enthused to join this SAL - I must confess as much as I love Beatrix Potter, I was a person who "came late" to wanting to stitch this sampler and in fact did not purchase the original chart. What happened though, as it often does for me, is that I started to see this piece finished by other stitchers using different fabrics and threads and that got me wanting to stitch this. Fortunately Jacquelyn offered this chart in the pdf format and I was able to purchase it. Then I seemed to take a while to fine tune fabric and thread choices, but I finally decided! I am using 40ct Vintage Bisque by Lakeside Linens and Blue Lagoon Belle Soie silk by Crescent Colours. Just to be sure, I had to stitch one motif and I really love it.
I haven't taken a photo - to be honest I'm not familiar with the "workings" of posting on a blog (just LOVE reading them) and so if this text makes it onto the blog, that'll be great, nex time I'll also try a photo!
Up until April my husband and I were still working at our "day jobs" but fortunately Kelmscott Designs had grown so fast, we were able to quit our "day" jobs, move from Victoria BC and purchase a summer house in Bengough Saskatchewan and a winter place in Mesa AZ. While I am still busy designing, etc., this has truly been wonderful as it has freed up some of my time to stitch and the bonus is that Attic Needlework, right here in Mesa has a stitching evening each Thursday, so it is wonderful being surrounded with such an inspirational shop and an incredible number of talented stitchers - I look forward to working on this SAL piece each Thursday and am sure that I will have this piece completed in 2009.
Thank you Hazel for hosting this SAL - to everyone else - I am SO enthused by your fabric and thread choices and I look forward to seeing progress throughout 2009! Paula
Posted by Paula at 19:11 1 comments
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Getting close...

Posted by Jacqueline Korteland Boller at 23:05 6 comments
My fabric and thread choices
Have finally decided that I will be stitching over one on 28ct antique cream linen, using Vikki Clayton's Fish Pepper 4427 silk as well as the Examplar White Chocolate for the accents.
Posted by Grace at 11:08 2 comments
Labels: floss toss
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Almost ready to start
Thank you Hazel for organising this SAL. I have had this chart in my 'must do' cupboard for sometime but kept changing my mind about what colour to stitch it in. I am being true to my star sign by procrastinating ! At this stage I have some 32 count Jobelan out and I think the colour is Bay Leaf but now trying to decide on what shade of dark green to stitch it it.
I was lucky enough to spent 3 weeks in England in October this year and visited the wonderful Lakes District and managed to see Beatrix Potter's home Hill Top. I was so excited to see this sampler in real life so when I arrived home the chart came to to top of the project list. I have been stitching for many years and always have far too many projects on the go and keep finding news ones I want to do. I am sure I will never get through them all in one life time but one thing I do is always start a new project on the 1st day of a new year. It is one way of having an excuse to start a new project!!
Looking forward to following everyones progress - Best Wishes to all for the festive season
Margie May - Melbourne, Australia.
Posted by Margie May at 03:44 2 comments
Monday, 15 December 2008
Hi Everyone,
I'm so excited to be part of this SAL. Thank you so much for doing this Hazel. I had been looking for this pattern for a while now and am thrilled to have it.
I live in Camrose, Alberta, Canada with my husband, Norm, and have been stitching for about 28 years. I am also a quilter and I love to read.
My husband and I will spend Christmas in Calgary with our children and grandchildren.
The fabric I have chosen is 28 ct. Jobelan, the color is stormy gray. My thread is Simply Shaker Sampler Thread in color Briar Rose. I plan to stitch with 1 ply over 1 thread.
I am looking forward to Jan 1st, I can hardly wait to see everyone's progress.
Merry Christmas everyone! Brenda
Posted by Brenda at 00:25 2 comments
Friday, 12 December 2008
Ready to go ....
Posted by Chris at 19:11 3 comments
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Joining the group
Thank you for letting me join. I am a mother of three, 15,12 and 5. I live in Marietta, GA and am getting ready to start doing testing to become a teacher. I've been a stay at home mom for five years and will be rejoining the "working" world hopefully in August. I'm looking at it as going on a vacation as my husband will have to start sharing housekeeping duties again. I have been stitching for 20+ years. I am looking forward to begin stitching on this pattern. I have got creme fabric and Silk N Colors Ambrosia (pastel colors). I have gotten the pattern and am hoping to have this done before next Christmas. I can't wait until the 1st. I'll try to post a picture of the fabric and colors soon.
Thanks, Renee
Posted by Renee at 22:32 2 comments
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Hello, I am new !
Hello dear stitchers, by random from blog to blog I discovered this SAL. Is this SAL will save me .... ? I hope !! Twice time I try to stitch this nice sampler (I am a Beatrix Potter fan). In first, I began with a linen fabric natural color and some Atalie threads but the weaving of this fabric was too bad for my eyes. The second time, I choose a linen cream yellow and I stopped........ too much yellow in the cream ;-).
So, I think I will use my so favorite : Zweigart linen mocha 32 count. For the thread , I will think about it.
My name is Elisabeth, I am french , 50 years old, married to Pierre , 2 daughters Alice (12) & Laurène (11). I am a assistante maternelle, (I don't know the right word in english sorry) : I keep other parents' children in my home.
In the list , I read the name of Cathymk and Mary Kathryn. Hello my friends ! It's a nice surprise to see you here too :-)
I have a blog : http://lesloisirsdebehoteguy.over-blog.com
So, thank you Hazel and all stitchers to accept me in this little community !
I will be ready the first January and I hope to finish this nice (but big !!) sampler .
Posted by elisabethb at 20:51 3 comments
Saturday, 6 December 2008
So happy to join all of you!
My name is Allie, I'm 31 years old & live in the far north suburbs of Chicago with my guy & our black lab Abby. I've been stitching for about 8 years, mostly cross-stitch, but also a little drawn thread, Hardanger, and punch needle. I've never done a historic sampler before, so this is a new adventure for me. My favorite designer is Drawn Thread & I tend to like really big pieces that take ages to finish. (c: I'm getting into the final stretch on Cirque des Cercles, so hopefully I can wrap that up this month.
I got my fabric the other day (R&R Creme Brulee) & picked my thread color, WDW Lancaster Red. They're showing more rosey tones in the pic, but the fabric is more tan toned & the threads more brick red. I'm going to have to sit on my hands until Jan 1!
The e-copy of the chart Jaqueline sent doesn't have the stitcher's journal portion. I'm curious, for those who have it, what does that include? I read a bit about Beatrix Potter online and hadn't realized what a conservationist she was - she amassed an amazing amount of land for preservation. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good biography of her?
Happy stitching,
Posted by Allie at 16:56 4 comments
Monday, 1 December 2008
One month to go!!
Just a quick note to remind us there is one month before we start!! I am loving everyone's pics of floss tosses. If you haven't done so already please post a short introduction and tell us some of your stitching habits as well as a photo of fabric and floss you are going to be using. I am still overwhelmed that so many people are up for the challenge of this SAL and I still get emails on a daily basis requesting to join. This is going to be fab! Have a great Christmas everyone. xx
Posted by Hazel at 23:03 2 comments
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Hello Everyone
I just wanted to say Hi to all you guys. I chose the antique ivory linen and picked Splendor for my silks. I chose dark peony #S1097 and also I wanted to add a little contrast, so I added dark green aqua #S869. I'll try and get a picture up once I start.
I am also in the mystery sampler group on Yahoo. I sure hope I have enough time to work on these. I'm one of those people who have to have at least 15 different projects going at once and rotate them around so I don't get bored. Right now it's Christmas ornaments and smaller projects to put into Sudberry boxes for presents.
Posted by Laura J. at 22:05 2 comments
Supplies decided on
I've pulled together the supplies to start. I've decided on the called for linen 32 ct. Antique White. My threads will be DMC 221 for the main color and DMC 223 for the accent color. I'm really excited to get this started.
Posted by Sandy at 22:03 3 comments
All set to go!
I spent over an hour at my LNS on Friday trying to decide on linen and threads for Beatrix. I went in with the idea of getting rose pink silks but fell in love with a Waterlilies thread called "Chili" instead. It's a blend of orangey-pinks, corals, pale pinkish-beige, etc. I found 3 beautiful Needlepoint Silks that went with it, and I picked out Vintage Maritime White linen by Lakeside in 36-ct. The Needlepoint Silks look a little bright in this photo but they really match the varigated thread just perfectly. I'm really happy with it. Here's my floss toss - I can't wait to get started on this!
Jeanne in Arizona
Posted by Jeanne at 02:09 5 comments
Labels: Jeanne M
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Still deciding - Update
Hi Everyone!
I'm Di from Alberta, Canada. I'm still deciding on the fabric and thread for this - I do have a piece of 32-ct Antique Ivory Belfast and like the suggested colour, but I'm also looking at some old slightly uneven count Irish linen that I've had for decades (it's about a 40/42 count, I think), and wondering about using that with the AVAS colour suggested or a similar one, or with one of Amy Mitten's silks - I'm going to stitch up a small motif in each of the fabrics with different threads, and see which one I prefer. And hopefully I'll have a decision made by the time we're ready to start :)
Dec. 2 Update- I spent some time checking out fabrics and threads further, and I've decided now on a 36-count Antique White linen, using Amy Mitten's silk in Madame Rose. This is a beautiful muted rose with just slight colour variations (it's a hand-dyed thread).
Posted by Dianne at 17:24 5 comments
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Lisa's floss toss
Posted by Anonymous at 19:05 8 comments
Labels: floss toss, Lisa
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Got my silks!
Posted by Teresa at 02:00 7 comments
Monday, 24 November 2008
Posted by Marian at 23:16 4 comments
Hazel's floss toss
Sassy's Tan Marble 32 count jobelan
Victorian Motto threads in Antique Wine set.
I love how it goes together. xx
Posted by Hazel at 16:50 6 comments
Labels: floss toss
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
New to the Group
Hello Everyone I'm Julianne and I live in Nothern California. I'm about 40 minutes east of San Francisco.
I'm looking forward to the SAL. I'm currently thinking about what fabric and fibers to use. I want to use a distressed linen-probably by Lakeside linens and an antique rose color silk for my fiber. I guess a trip to the local needlework store in Alameda is in order. This is one project that I really need to shop for in person rather than on the computer.
I'm curious if anyone knows about the initials used in the piece? Can anyone shed any light on whose initials they are?
I look forward to the interaction here on the board.
Posted by Julianne at 18:10 5 comments
Labels: new member
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Hi everyone
and thanks to hazel for the invite. I have ordered some Antique Motto theads, in pumpkins and golds, waiting for them to arrive to decide exact shades that I will use. I've not chosen a fabric yet but it probably will be a 28ct eveneweave.
I've only been stitching for just over a year and this will be my largest project, so will need all the encouragemnet I can get
Looking forward to the new year when we can all get started
Posted by Anonymous at 19:31 2 comments
Sunday, 16 November 2008
A little progress
Hi everyone,
Well progress is being made on the supply front. I now have the chart which Jaqueline has kindly made available. Doesn't look quite as daunting as I expected.
I have also ordered some linen - R & R's Apple Brown Bindy 32 ct., and Vikki Clayton silk in Quince. I will have to wait until they arrive until I can see the real colours and decide if they are final. Colours look so different on the screen - not sure they will go together.
I'll put up a photo as soon as I get them,
Happy planning.
Posted by Deb at 00:11 1 comments
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Materials decided on!!!!!
I am very exciting now for the first of the year to arrive!!!!! I got my flosses for this piece a while ago.
I KNEW I wanted to use fall colors, as it is my favorite time of year. I have had previous experience with Nancy of Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe.So, I checked her site & oh my goodness!!!!! I found the perfect fall colors. I ordered both sets of Pumpkin & a set of the blue. I knew I wanted a touch of blue in it, because the 2 colors are so rich together.
Today, I started looking for fabric. I knew I wanted to try to use something I had on hand, as I am trying very hard to be a good steward of our money. Things have been tight & I thought the smart thing to do was use something I had. I found a piece of Fiddler's Light aida that is the perfect size for this project.
Now, is it Jan. 1st yet?!?!!?!?
Posted by Shari at 14:43 2 comments
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Beautiful sampler...
Hi, Everyone,
Just accepted the invitation to join you all in this SAL, and I'm very excited! I love quaker style samplers, and this Beatrix Potter sampler is wonderful to say the least! I can't wait to purchase the pdf version so that I might do some planning by way of threads and fabric, which I have an abundance of in my stash.
I'm a 52 year old woman who lives in Moorpark, California...it's about 45 miles North of Los Angeles, I would say, but next door to Simi Valley where the Ronald Reagan Library is, just in case you're familiar with the area.
I've been married to Frank for over 21 years now and have three almost grown children, Will, 21, Kara, 19, and Peter, 17. Still, they keep us busy!!
Thanks, Hazel, for adding me, and await patiently for Jacqueline to reply about the chart...my name is Jacqueline too!!
Happy Stitching,
Posted by Jacqueline Korteland Boller at 23:25 2 comments
Picked my silks
Since I'm up with a bad case of insomnia, it seemed a good time to go shopping.
I checked out the DMC and AuVerASoie colors first then went to Victoria Clayton's HDF site.
I settled on Tiger Lily, a variegated overdyed silk in autumnal colors- it gave me the subtle color differences I wanted for this piece while being in the same color family as the chart calls for.
AND, there is a 1/2 price sale currently at HDF (until Monday) so I saved some money!
Yesterday I bought a new set of needles- GOLD!- just for this sampler.
So, I am all set once my silks arrive. Now I just need to cut my fabric. I am thinking it will be too wide for my usual lap frame, so I mght have to work in a hoop for this one.
What is everyone else using?
Posted by Teresa at 07:33 5 comments
Hi all!
Hi everyone,
I'm really excited about joining the SAL. Many thanks to Hazel for inviting me - and for sending such clear instructions about what to do - which as you see, have worked.
I have just emailed Jaqueline to purchase the chart, so soon as I have it I will choose fabric and thread.
I used to do a lot of needlework when I was young, but the busyness of life forced it off the agenda. However after a recent illness, I decided that life was too short not to do the things that give you pleasure, so I started again and was amazed to see how much beautiful stuff there is out there! I am just finishing "A Quaker Gameboard" so I should be ready to start Beatrix on Jan 1.
I am a member of only one other group ( a real life one) of fantastic women - a quilting group - these girls I dearly love and they keep me sane. I am a mathematician at one of the countries largest Universities, and the Director of the maths/stats learning centre there, have a partner and two teenage kids who I adore.
I'll post a photo of my colour scheme soon as I can, but those pumpkin tones are very tempting.
All the best
Posted by Deb at 00:00 2 comments
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Monday, 3 November 2008
Hi Everyone
Hi everyone, my name is Sandra and I live in the Blue Mountains in Australia. I have been considering joining you in the SAL for Beatrix Potter for awhile.
I started my Beatrix a few (quite a few) months ago and as usual another sampler caught my eye and I started doing that. I am around half way with my Beatrix and I thought if I joined your group it might help me finish her. What I thought I would do is only stitch either one large motif or 2 small motifs a month and I worked it out and it should take me a year to complete if I do it that way. My Beatrix is being worked on 32ct white linen over one with DMC 498.
I fell in love with the Beatrix Potter sampler, the very first time I saw it. I have always loved her books and I have collected every one of them. I even have some that are very hard to find. I also have a small collection of BP china and stuffed animals.
I also was taught to knit by my Great Grandmother and have always loved to make things with my hands. I first learnt to do cross stitch when I was around 13 and have been stitching away happily since then. My great love is antique reproductions samplers. I love stitching either over 1 or on 40ct linen. I also love doing Hardanger and I occasionally quilt.
Posted by samplerlover at 21:32 6 comments
Sunday, 2 November 2008
HI to everyone here and many thanks to Hazel for this great idea and terrific place.
My name is Teresa but I usually answer to LadyDoc or just Doc. I live in Philadelphia where I am a teacher at an inner-city Catholic high school.
My Gran taught me to crochet when I was 10. The following summer she tried to teach me embroidery but the free form of it just didn't work for me. I discovered counted cross stitch in 1985- through a chart book at the Smithsonian book store- and the rest, as they say....
I would probably be called ADD- in my time the nuns just said I had a short attention span. As a result I do many types of crafts and always have a bunch of things going on at the same time. I love to stitch but I also do cardmaking and scrapbooking, crochet, and make Hawaiian quilts. I used to make lace but my eyes and my hands think that is just too much stress for the satisfaction anymore.
I've never done a "spot" sampler before and I'm looking forward to it. I have some gorgeous fabric that I bought several years ago that has been waiting for just the right project and I think *this* is it. I have not yet decided on my floss colors but I am seriously thinking about some beautiful dyed silks from Victoria Clayton.
For health reasons I know that I won't be able to keep up with most of you in the progress department, but I am really looking forward to seeing everyone's work so that I will have the encouragement to keep going to get this beautiful piece done.
Posted by Teresa at 18:06 2 comments
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Hoping to start with the group...
Hi all,
I found you sort of by accident, but what a nice thing to have happen
And Hazel thanks for setting this up! I am amazed at how much stitching and how many groups you get involved with and raising two kids, taking care of a household and husband...my goodness! I think I should take lessons on time management from you
Looking forward to getting to know all of you....
Cathy C
P.S., Some of you might know me from the Legacy Embroiderer's Guild board, I moderate the WIP/UFO section there.
Posted by Cathy C at 23:47 2 comments
Monday, 27 October 2008
Hi all.....
Thank you Hazel for this fun opportunity.
Posted by Carolyne at 15:42 2 comments
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Hi everyone, I am Joanie
Hi all, my name is Joanie and I live in Upstate NY with my DH and a menagerie of animals. I am 51 years old and cross stitch has been my passion for at least 25+ years. I enjoy all types of designs and designers, some of my favorites (right now) are Mary Garry (if you can find her patterns), Drawn Thread, Blackbird Designs, La-D-Da...and I love Quaker samplers (I have many in my stash), school girl samplers, alphabets and well, just about anything for the seasons.
Thanks to Hazel for allowing me to join this SAL.
I began this sampler when the pattern was initially released and I've stitched on it sporadically since I received it. This is my progress to date. (The picture is dark (sorry) and the quality isn't too great cause my camera is not the best quality either.) I am stitching it on 32ct Antique White linen with AVAS 4612 (the silks that are recommended). I run hot and cold over the silk color, it's a beatiful shade of burnt orange. Sometime I like it (like today) and other times I think that it's too bright. As I sit and look at it right now, I feel that it looks wonderful. Must be the phase of the moon that's dictating whether I like the color or not.
I will not be working on this until the SAL officially begins because I am now in Christmas present mode. Many things to stitch and create for Santa to deliver on Christmas Eve. I am looking forward to the encouragement this group will provide because I want to finish Bea up and start on her companion piece.
Have a good weekend all!
Posted by Joanie at 13:08 3 comments
Labels: Joanie
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Thread choices
Posted by DebbieSFL at 15:16 3 comments
Labels: thread
Floss Toss
Hi Everyone
I ordered sample threads from HDF, this is the option I am currently considering Zweigart 32ct belfast linen 'cream' ( a bit more yellow than the picture) with the main colour - varigated 1427/1443/3167/69 and one of the componant colours as a highlight. I stiched a motif from the chart and am happy with it so far although I may change my mind before 1/1/09!
Posted by Elaine at 13:23 2 comments
Saturday, 18 October 2008
New member
Hi, my name is Debbie and I am in Tallahassee, Florida. I am a single mom to an adult son and and have grandpuppies and grandkitties. I love to stitch and love samplers. I have never actively participated in a SAL before and am really looking forward to this one. I read a lot of blogs and many of your names are familar, so hoping to get to know you all better. I am in the process of ordering my pattern and am not sure of fabric yet, but definitely know that my threads will be in the blue family.
Posted by DebbieSFL at 12:47 1 comments
Labels: new member
New Member
Hello everyone
I have just joined this SAL, thanks Hazel for inviting me. I am Scottish but I am currently living in Holland. I have had this chart for a few weeks (PDF format) so this will hopefully give me the incentive to start. I have ordered a couple of samples of HDF silks to make a final choice on thread. I have a large piece of 32ct Cream Belfast linen so I will probably use that. The PDF does not give any information on materials, I found the stitch count but does anyone know how much floss is required? - only one colour?
Looking forward to participating
Posted by Elaine at 09:29 1 comments
Friday, 17 October 2008
I'm Marian from Louisiana. Glad to be a member of this group. I bought the chart when it first came out and I also have the BP companion.
I'm a wife, mother and grandmother. I love to read (mysteries, especially
English mysteries), travel and do cross stitch, which is my big passion. I'm also a VERY devoted fan of my favorite football team, the University of Alabama. I was born and raised in Alabama and graduated from there many, many years ago. I'm also the church organist, which is really a keyboard now since Big Bertha hit the wall a couple of years ago. I'm looking forward to retirement in three years so I can have long fingernail and wear a hat every Sunday.
Hope to get to know all of you better in the next year or so and thanks to Hazel for forming this group.
Posted by Marian at 23:55 2 comments
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Hi I'm Tracy
Hi everyone my name is Tracy I live in Newcastle upon Tyne with my two cute kitty cats, I've been online buddies with Hazel for a while now and she kindly invited me to join in with this fabulous SAL, I was in two minds whether I really needed another new start but what the heck I'm learning the hard way that life is too short.
I haven't picked out any fabby or threads yet, but I can say I will be stitching 2x2 on 28ct evenweave, just need to decide on a colour scheme. I'm loving seeing everyones colour selection and can't wait till the stitching begins.
Posted by Tracy Dixon at 17:14 2 comments
Hello Everyone, I'm Terry
I'm from North Carolina and have been stitching for a long time. I enjoy samplers and started Beatrix Potter not long ago, but put her aside in order to do a mystery sampler and a Christmas Present. Hopefully with this starting after the new year and with everyone else's encouragement and progress I will finish her. It really is a joy to stitch. I am using Vikki Clayton Silks and linen. Can't wait to work along with everyone.
Posted by Terry at 16:15 2 comments
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
lots of new stitchers added
I see several new people have joined the blog - hello to all! I'm excited to see all of the choices you've made. I haven't given too much thought to my linen and threads yet - been real busy. I need to get going on it though. I just know I want my threads to be pink or raspberry colored. I'm going to order some samples from Vikki Clayton this week. I would like to do it in silks but they are getting so expensive and Vikki's prices are so good. Wouldn't it be great if we had pieces of all the linen colors at home to work with - it's hard deciding especially when sometimes you can't see it in person.
Posted by Jeanne at 16:04 1 comments
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Hi everyone!
Hi there! Thanks to Hazel for inviting me to join. I found this blog this morning & fell in love with the B. Potter piece. I have emailed asking about the pattern. I already have ordered the floss that I HOPE to use. I will be excited about starting this in the new year!!!! I look forward to getting to know many of you & I am sure I already know some of you!!!
Posted by Shari at 21:14 2 comments
Posted by Stitchabilities at 11:06 2 comments
Labels: Rachael
Monday, 6 October 2008
hoping to finish it
I started this ages ago and was making pretty good progress but as always happens I got distracted by new designs.
I'm hoping with all the inspiration here that I will get this finished in 2009!
Posted by Mary Kathryn at 16:33 5 comments
Labels: Mary Kathryn, progress
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Hello everyone
Posted by Grace at 21:26 3 comments
Friday, 3 October 2008
Pattern in Hand
I just got my pattern! I can't wait to get started!
Posted by Jenny Harned Tabrum at 23:24 1 comments
Got my chart and supplies....
Posted by Elisa at 19:38 4 comments
Labels: Elisa
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Penny from Italy
Hallo, I'm Penny from Italy, I'd like to partecipate to this sal, I love cross stitch and I like Beatrix Potter very much,
I have been stitching for 10 years and love a variety of designers including Jeremiah Junction, Lizzie Kate, Sisters and best friend... At the moment I'm stitching several projects including a monochromatic Christmas sampler, and a Lizzie kate sampler sal that you can see on my blog ricamidipenny.blogspot.com
I have been married for 7 beautiful years and we have two little flowers named Bianca Maria and Elena Maria 5 and 2 years old. I like cooking, stitching go out for walks and take photographs
... But where do you buy the chart? I can't find it on the web ... they don't make it anymore... Do I tell to this Jaqueline? Sorry but I don't understand well!!! My English isn't very good!!!
Please answer me soon
Huges from Fano Penny.
Posted by Elisabetta at 17:53 4 comments
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Beatrix...I'm willing & able, just need to do it!!
I thought I would use the Soy Luster blue/periwinkle color which I chose last year for dear "Beatrix Potter," but after giving it more thought this year....I decided to go with these pinks and neutrals. After all, Beatrix was a woman who loved pinks and pastels in her paintings. Just consider her darling mommy mouse and Miss Tigglewiggle's clothing! So, that thought led me to this palette above. I feel ever so joyful about the Sampler, now!
As you can see, I've also chosen a more antiqued linen. This is my nod to the era, instead of using the more cream or white color suggested.
BTW, and by way of introduction: I already know most of you as friends, but for the others of you: I live in Naples, FL with my DH and my Yorkie, Clara. I'm from Wellesley/Boston, MA. Born in NC, near Blowing Rock/Boone. I have 5 grown children and 5 grandchildren. Have been stitching for about 40 years....I'm in my 50's! Crewel is where I started out, then cross stitch and needlepoint. For the longest time I loved needlepoint best, but I always have gone back and forth between XS and needlepoint. Now, I can't decide which I love best. I hate crewel work!!! :P
My goal is to finish all the projects I've started....hmmmm...a project in itself. I clutter my house disgracefully with my stash and WIPs because it makes me soooo happy. DH has given up and just lives with it!! LOL
My children benefit from my stitching and quilting and knitting, so they encourage me in my addiction. Isn't that nice!?
I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you better, and to seeing what your pieces look like as we stick to our SAL in 2009. I'm determined..aren't you? :] Hugs, Deb http://lavenroseramblings.blogspot.com/
Posted by Deb at 01:15 3 comments
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Hello to everyone
Hi, my name is Lillian Carol and I have been stitching since I was a young girl. I am very excited to join the group......thank you. Samplers, particularly reproduction samplers, are my passion and I have been thinking about stitching this one for some time now.
It seems like fate, so to speak, that brings me to this sal.....
My husband and I just happened to take a few days off from work to actually finish some projects at home when I checked my email and found an invitation to attend a lecture by Jacqueline herself on the Ackworth samplers at The Strawberry Sampler, my lns near Philadelphia, PA. I answered without hesitation that I would attend.....it was a chance of a lifetime for me and I was "on vacation"!
So a few days ago, along with a small gathering of fellow needleworkers, I found myself in stitcher's heaven, visiting with Jacqueline and then totally absorbed in her inspiring lecture. I could not believe how lucky I was to be there. When I returned home, I grabbed my laptop to do further research into all things Quaker and I immediately happened upon the site for this sal. Hence the use of the word "fate".
So here I am.....my first post ever and I even have a blog now. I hope to gather together thoughts on fabrics and threads in the next few days. What a great way to spend a vacation!
Posted by Lillian Carol at 02:49 3 comments
Friday, 19 September 2008
Has anyone heard from...
Jacqueline yet about their chart, I know she was away and just wondered when she was due back...I don't want to order all my supplies and then not get my chart...
Posted by Elisa at 14:49 1 comments
Labels: Elisa
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Hi Everyone
I haven't really thought yet what color I would like to use, but I think I will use one of our new silk colors we have. It is so nice to get to know stitchers.
I hope everyone will stop by the needlework show that will be Sept. 24th through the 28th. It is a great show to shop and look, and then contact your LNS to order what you want.
Have a good week.
Posted by Olde Willow Stitchery at 04:37 2 comments
Labels: cross stitch, olde willow stitchery, silk floss
Monday, 15 September 2008
Hi, I'm Sandy from Nebraska. I've been visiting and reading blogs for a couple months and decided to join this SAL. I currently don't have a blog of my own, but that may change depending on how this goes. I enjoy stitching samplers but haven't tried any of the Quaker variety so I thought this would be a good start.
Posted by Sandy at 19:47 3 comments
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Maxine's Intro
Hi everyone my name is Maxine and i have been wanting to stitch this sampler since i managed to get a copy from someone who had already stitched it however i still haven't started so thanks to Hazel for setting this blog up and enabling me to finally get it sorted. I have been stitching for 8 years and only in the last couple of years have i really gotten into samplers. I haven't decided yet what fabric or threads i'm going to use but at least we've still got a bit of time to get sorted :)
For those that need it the stitch count is 301 wide x 271 long. On the chart it has 7 skeins of DMC main colour and 1 skein DMC for other. Hope that helps :) Take care everyone.
Posted by Maxine at 15:59 4 comments
Slightly confused...
....about the fabbie and thread colours and amounts needed for this design as Barbara has commented on Rachael's just one shade of DMC plus white, but Ruth's post further down has 4 shades of DMC and beads...I was wanting to order my threads and fabbie rather soon...can anyone shed any light on this please?
Posted by Elisa at 11:24 1 comments
Labels: Elisa
Friday, 12 September 2008
Rachel's Intro
Posted by Rachel V at 21:09 6 comments
Labels: Rachel V.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Just a quick note
Just to let you know, if you have ordered the chart from Jaqueline and haven't heard anything yet it is because she is in the US and hasn't managed to set up the share folder file which enables you to download it yet. She has promised to do it on her return.
By the way hope you all like the little incentive I have set up at the sidebar for us all to be encouraged to keep up with the SAL.
Posted by Hazel at 16:58 3 comments
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Hello--from Sunny Denver, CO
Hello from Mile High Denver. We moved here last year from Edmonton , Alberta and I immediately joined the Rocky Mtn Sampler Guild. I am excited about doing this sampler. It will be my first Quaker sampler. I ordered the silks and I am sure I can dig out some fabric, blow the dust off the chart and not put anything else on my plate for the first of the year. I did a SAL for Eileen Bennett's Band of Many Colors and the And They Sinned sampler- was the only thing that kept me motivated to finish them. Plus I love the tips and error finds etc. I am thankful Hazel decided to start this after Christmas because I am piled over with knitting, and gift making until then. Look forward to meeting everyone from around the stitching globe!
Posted by Patti-Rocky Mtn Stitcher at 23:09 3 comments
Labels: Beatrix Potter SAL, cross stitch, sampler
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Hi everyone
Hi everyone,
I am Robin from Olde Willow Stitchery. I am hoping to keep up, but am not sure with everything else I have going on. I love the needleprint designs and have been told by Jacqueline that she is working on a new one with our newest silk collection in the near future. I am very excited about that.
Is anyone here going to The Ackworth Event? It's a pleasure to meet everyone.
Remember to always take time to stitch.
Posted by Olde Willow Stitchery at 16:28 3 comments
Hi everyone. I'm here hoping that with your help maybe, just maybe I'll get this done. Sure it would be a miracle, but hope spring eternal.
Here's my floss and bead toss for it:
And in the last 1+ year(s) this is what I have accomplished:
See, I REALLY need your help. lol
Posted by Ruth at 13:30 5 comments
So pleased to be here!!
Hello, I am Elisa a 36 year old single mum from York, UK, I have a 4 year old DS and have a DD on the way (due mid November). I love many crafts, but cross-stitching is my passion and have been stitching since I was 14 years old. My tastes have changed dramatically over the years, I have wanted to stitch a traditional sampler for quite a few years but never found the right one for me...until now!! I have not decided on the colours yet, but I fancy stitching the sampler on a buttermilk/cream linen with a delicate sage green...something different to the usual purples and pinks I stitch in usually...lol.
Thank you Hazel for letting me join the SAL and Julie for mentioning it on your blog...I would have never known about it!
Posted by Elisa at 12:30 3 comments
Labels: Elisa
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Hello from the desert!
Hi everyone - I'm Jeanne and I live in the southwest - Phoenix, Arizona to be exact. I am 52 (it sounds so old!) and I have been stitching I guess for about 30 years now. It was always my first love in needlework although I am also a quilter. I am married with no children except 2 spoiled dogs. I work full-time as an I.T. project manager. I like to stitch a wide variety of things - I'm just as happy stitching a little Prairie Schooler or Lizzie Kate chart as I am doing a big sampler. Like most of you, I have more patterns than I can ever stitch in a lifetime! This year I really tried to focus on cutting my UFO list in half and so far I'm doing pretty good. My long list of UFO's was really starting to bother me and this year I've started only a few small things like exchanges. Now I have a big case of "start-itis" and am looking forward to next year, especially "guilt free January"!
A few of my favorite designers are Carriage House Samplings, Little House Needleworks, Prairie Schooler, Blackbird Designs, Bent Creek, Brenda Keyes, Shepherds Bush, The Drawn Thread, and Victoria Sampler. I am fortunate to live 40 minutes from a wonderful LNS called Attic Needlework and they specialize in samplers. I can never get out of the shop without spending too much money. I also like stitching smalls although I really want to focus on getting some framed pieces on my walls.
I love being involved in the online stitching community and look forward to making new friends. The internet opened up a whole new world of stitching for me around the year 2000 and I have learned so much! As for Beatrix Potter, I have no ideas yet for my fabric and floss but I bought the pattern when it first came out. I'm thinking maybe a pink or raspberry silk thread - I would like to hang this in my sewing room when I'm done and I love pink. I'm glad we'll have a few months to plan as I want to get some sample silks from Vikki Clayton. I've found it's hard to pick out floss just from the website, you really need to see the colors in person. I have not tried Carrie's Threads although they look beautiful.
I'm glad to see so many younger women stitching and blogging - cross-stitch is such a great hobby and I'm hoping it makes a resurgence someday like knitting did. It's been sad seeing so many shops close in recent years and even the big craft stores around me have really reduced the amount of stitching supplies. Thanks Hazel for inspiring us and getting together this SAL! It's a lot more fun to stitch along together than by yourself.
Posted by Jeanne at 20:14 3 comments
Hi -
I am Marie and I live in Sachse, Texas (Near Dallas). I have most of the Needleprint charts, but am embarrased to admit I have yet to finish one. Since Beatrix Potter is the first one I purchased, I thought I should get started with it and the SAL is just what I need to get going. Have not yet decided what threads I will use, but I think I will use 40 count Vintage Maritime Linen from Lakeside Linens.
I belong to the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas.
Posted by Marie in Minnesota at 01:32 4 comments
Monday, 25 August 2008
I'm evelyne 36 years old ( sssst tomorrow 37) I'm married we have 3 children and i'm a housewife .....I love quiltling and cross stitching and I have a blog www.bloggen.be/quiltlien as the material for the SAL I have the dmc color that is mentioned on the chart and a 32 count white linnen
Posted by quiltlien at 19:53 5 comments
Hello from Perth Western Australia
My name is Janine. I am 50, married for over 30 years and have 4 fantastic sons (28,25,24 & 15) & 5 gorgeous kitty cats. I have been stitching since 1978. I am the owner of an ONS called Colours Down Under.
Unfortunately I didn't discover Needleprint until the BP sampler went OOP. I had been trying to find a copy until Jacqueline offered the PDF one for sale. I bought it instantly. I would still love to own an original (maybe one day).
I haven't decided what I am going to stitch mine on or what threads I will be using. One of my customers has bought the companion to BP and she is stitching it on 32 count Belfast Vintage - Country Mocha with Petite Treasure Braid 002 or something like that. The nice gold colour. It is absolutely stunning. I might do that one or I might try a few different colours on a hand dyed linen. There is plenty of time for that decision.
Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all.
Posted by Janine at 16:17 3 comments
Hello Everyone!
Thank you so much Hazel for taking the initiative to setup this blog. It looks good as it is already :) Thank you too for letting me join.
I bought the chart as soon as Hazel mentioned it on her blog. Knowing very well how the NBPQ is retired, I grabbed it the first opportunity I had. I have no qualms with the chart being in file format. I was thinking of starting it soon after but other stitchings 'got in the way' :)
So starting NBPQ next year is a very good idea for me and my 'busy' schedule.
I've pretty much zoomed in on Nancy's (Victorian Motto) floss colour Pumpkins and Belfast sand fabric. I am also thinking of tea dyeing the fabric prior.Barbara J
Posted by Barbara J at 09:45 7 comments
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Hello from Hungary
Hi girls, I am Rita from Hungary.
I have already started this pattern, on an inherited hand-made linen (about 100 yrs old) and DMC 902 one over one, but did not get much done (due to other commitments). I am grateful for this SAL, as I love the design and want to finish it.
Here's my last standing:
I am still considering over-starting it, but still might just keep on with the original one.
Votes are welcome!
Posted by Rita at 19:04 4 comments
Labels: Rita
Hello! My name is Ann, and since there seem to be so many of us I go as Ann70821. I live in the United States, in Louisiana to be exact, and I've been stitching since I was a little girl. I love needlepoint and cross stitch, and I'm hoping to learn to crochet in 2009 so that I can finish an afghan my mother started years ago!
I'm nearly 50, married for 3 years now to a wonderful man (a first marriage for both of us in our 40s!) no children, but several cats. I work part-time helping out at the nearby Catholic school with the extended-day program for 3 hours, 3 days a week. Other than that I do research for political campaigns.
I'll be stitching the Beatrix Potter Sampler on 35 count linen from Vikki Clayton in either the white (which is really a lovely, soft, antique white) or Kodiak (a light, soft, golden beige color) using a varigated floss she made from several of her Fish Pepper shades. I've got to do a bit of test stitching on both fabrics to see which one I prefer for this project.
I like stitching Quakers, Christmas designs, primitives, fun little quick pieces like those by Lizzie Kate, and samplers in general. I'm also always on the lookout for Revolutionary War (Spanish Colonial soldiers especially) Civil War themed stitching (Confederate, naturally!) and Napoleon themes since my husband is a re-enactor (and a dead-ringer for Napoleon).
Some of my favorite designers include Prairie Schooler, My Big Toe, The Sampler Girl, Needleprint, Carriage House Samplings, 4 My Boys, Little House Needleworks, and too many others to list here!
I'm currently stitching a series of Name Trees from Nouveau Encore Designs to have made into ornaments for various family members as Christmas presents.
In addition to Beatrix Potter, my other big project for next year is The Summer Ball by Sandy Littlejohn. I've got the kit and I've started to grid the fabric so that it will be ready to start after Christmas.
I work on all types of fabric and I like to use both silk and cotton floss. My two favorites are the silk floss from Vikki Clayton and the wonderful vibrant colors from Carrie's Threads. (One note about Carrie's, I always rinse, rinse, rinse, and rinse again before using her threads because they are not color-fast! But they are so beautiful that I'm willing to go to the extra work! And actually, I rinse all my threads except for DMC just to be safe!)
And finally, thank you Hazel for organizing this SAL and inviting me to be a member of it. I'm really looking forward to sharing our love of stitching, and to seeing all the wonderful versions of Beatrix Potter that we create!
Posted by Ann at 11:36 2 comments
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Hi everyone, I'm Hazel and I live in the High Peak in the UK. I am 33 and married with two children, Lily aged 5 and 3/4 and Elijah 7 months. I am a Christian and attend a local church where my dh plays on the worship team. I love stitching and have been stitching since I was 17. Love all sorts of styles of design but have grown particularly fond of traditional folky styles. Favourite designers include: Carriage House Samplings, Blackbird designs, Exampler Dames, Little House Needleworks, Prairie Schooler and many such others. I am particularly enjoying learning new and different techniques and making "needlework smalls". Also, I have been blessed to be in some wonderful exchange groups and have met many wonderful people through them online. Looking forward to making new friends on this blog. I am going to be using Victorian Motto threads but can't decide which ones or if I am going to just use one colour or four. Still not decided on fabric but most likely it will be a cream or antique white coloured linen.
Posted by Hazel at 20:15 0 comments
Hello .... I'm Julie
Thank you Sally for telling me about this SAL and to you Hazel for inviting me to join.
I live in the UK, married, 2 kids - DS 23 and DD 19 and have 2 cats.
I've been stitching for about 12 years now, used to be a 'kit only' girl and also did tapestry/needlepoint. Was introduced to the internet and that was it ... i was hooked on all sorts of exciting things. Its great to be part of the wider stitching world and to see what others do and to show off your work and encourage each other. I have learnt so many things in the past 4 years and my hobby has turned into an obsession. I also like to knit.
I think i have decided on thread and have ordered Carries in Wedgewood, i will offer this to the various fabrics i have and see which i like when it comes.
Looking forward to starting this one.
Posted by Julie at 19:59 2 comments
Thanks for setting up this blog Hazel! I am here and am looking forward to this SAL:) I'm stitching mine with Victorian Motto threads in Antique Rose. I haven't decided on fabric yet but it will probably be 25 count:)
For those of you who don't me my name is Sally, I'm 44, married with 2 daughters aged 17 and 13 and I live on the coast of East Yorkshire in England. I have been stitching for 16 years and love a variety of designers including Just Nan, Shepherd's Bush, Blackbird Designs, The Drawn Thread and many others. At the moment I'm stitching several larger projects including Ink Circles Sea Stars and Bygone Stitches A Quaker Christmas.
Posted by Sally at 18:38 1 comments
Labels: Sally W