Saturday, 28 February 2009
Marian's Progress
Posted by Marian at 23:16 1 comments
Labels: January and February finishes
Sue's February progress
I'm really enjoying stitching this, just wish that I had a bit more time.
Posted by Sue at 22:30 4 comments
Bonnie's February Progress
It doesn't look like I have made much progress, but I did finish the big flower and that was a great achievement. I stitched for a few hours today on the second motif on the top but it is cloudy today and stitching over one with my day light lamp still didn't work to well. I am happy with the way it is turning out. I am kind of wishing at this point that I would have chosen a darker color of floss. I am thinking that it would have gone a lot faster and would have stood out more. Too late now, but as I said I am satisfied the way it is.
February Progress

Posted by Bonnie at 22:08 2 comments
Sharon in St. Louis' February Progress
Hi All -- I am loving seeing every one's progress and gorgeous color choices. Here is how I left things at the end of January -- fairly pleased with my progress to date.
Then in early February, I encountered a lot of "reverse" stitching in the half medallion above the very large flower. Finally got going in the right direction and made a tiny bit of progress -- when my husband went into the hospital. I am happy to say that he is finally home, and on the mend as of last night. As you can see I have almost used up my first skein of Belle Soie Rustique. Can't wait to see if the second skein will have any different color variations.
I hope to make some progress in March, but one weekend of the month will be spent at a stitching retreat, and I think this lovely project is too big to bring along (as there is also a lot of chit chat and eating that is a regular part of the retreat) so I don't know what I will have to report next month. As I am almost to a part that has some initials, I am trying to decide whether to use the originals on the pattern or personalize with family. What are others' thoughts on this subject?
Until next time, happy stitching,
Sharon in St. Louis
Posted by SharoninStLouis at 21:20 2 comments
Labels: February progress, Sharon in St. Louis
Allie's February Progress
Here's where I was in January:
Posted by Allie at 21:08 2 comments
Labels: Allie, February progress
Private or public? Everybody needs to respond please.
Hello all. It has come to my attention that someone is not happy with me making this blog private so that only our members can read it and therefore non members, including hackers and spammers, cannot. I did this for our safety but I am happy to change it back to "public" if this is what you prefer. I really don't mind eitherway. So please leave a comment saying either "public" or "private" and I will tally up the responses at the end of the month and either keep it or change it back.
Happy stitching!
Posted by Hazel at 20:31 26 comments
Elisabethb ' s february progress

And this is my February progress: sorry my artificial light is very bad and I realize that my progress is very little this month !!!!
Nice regards from France
Posted by elisabethb at 20:17 3 comments
Phew just made it!
Here's my progress for Feb - not much to show but that big flower nearly killed me trying to get it done. It was a bit boring I must say but progress is progress no matter how much or little:
Jan pic:
Feb pic:
Posted by Hazel at 19:33 3 comments
Grace's February Progress
Blogger has decided to reverse the order of the pictures so
This is where I am at the end of February:
Posted by Grace at 19:00 3 comments
Labels: February progress, Grace
Lynda's February progress
progress at end of January
progress at end of February
Another month with not much progress I'm afraid. But every little bit counts! I am really enjoying watching everyone's pieces grow.
Posted by lynda at 18:13 2 comments
Labels: Lynda; February's progress
Rachel V.'s February Progress
This SAL group is keeping me motivated to work on this project -- and of course it is so fun to see everyone's progress -- Thanks Hazel & Friends!
Posted by Rachel V at 18:05 2 comments
Labels: February's progress, Rachel V.
Karen V's February progress
Due to a bad case of can't-count-itis and the subsequent ripping that it entailed, I haven't progressed quite as far as I expected this month. This is January:and this is February:
Posted by Anonymous at 16:57 2 comments
Labels: KarenV
Redwitch's February Progress
As of January:

Posted by glamlawlib at 14:20 3 comments
Labels: Redwitch
Annemarie's February progress
I believe that's what they call 'in the nick of time' :o)
Here's what I did in January:
And here's what I did in January (yes, January. Not February. Shhhh...):
Last time I asked your advice about the colours, and I have since decided to use the entire DMC linen collection, as portrayed in the first picture. I love this sampler, and your beautiful work is a real inspiration. See you in March!
Posted by Annemarie at 09:50 5 comments
Labels: Annemarie, February progress
Barbara's February Progress
As at January:To date February:
Just love watching everyone's floss and fabric combinations. So varied. Thank you all for the inspiration!
Posted by Barbara J at 07:44 2 comments
Labels: Barbara's Progress
Elisa’s Progress
Here is my progress for February…not a lot I am afraid to say, I have had a busy month with a lot of smalls to stitch, I do Not have that to do in March so I hope to make some headway.
I must say everyone else's
are looking fantastic, the colour schemes are wonderful
Posted by Elisa at 07:30 2 comments
Labels: Elisa, February progress
Brenda's February Progress
Hi Everyone,
Here is the progress I have made since my last posting. I did not get as much done as I had hoped but I am still pleased with my progress. I enjoy stitching the little motifs rather than the big flower but, I think it will look ok once it is done. I am still enjoying stitching 1 over 1 but the only way that I can comfortably do this is to use my daylight lamp with the built in magnifying glass.
I really enjoy checking to see everybody's progress and love all the different colors you have all chosen.
Keep up the great stitching,
Posted by Brenda at 02:13 5 comments
Labels: February's progress
Friday, 27 February 2009
Sandy's February Progress
Here is my update for February. Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot done this month.
Posted by Sandy at 23:30 2 comments
Labels: February's progress
Maxine's Feburary Update
I only worked on this last week...I would have got more progress done but I had a visit from the frogs! Here's January's before pic...
Here's Feburary's update...Thanks for looking :)
Posted by Maxine at 18:27 3 comments
Labels: February progress, Maxine
Margie K's February progress
I didn't as much done this month as I was hoping. I had a ton of other things that I wanted to finish so Beatrix took a backseat. I still need to find some sort of schedule that works for this project because I'm determined to finish her this year. :-) I'm stitching mine on 35 count Mushroom from Vikki Clayton using Winterberried regular silk floss, one over two.
Posted by Margie at 14:51 4 comments
Labels: February progress, Margie K
Only two days left to post your February updates!! This month has just flown. Even if you have only stitched a few stitches this month, you can still post it as an update.
Posted by Hazel at 09:12 0 comments
Julie S. February Progress
Here is my February progress picture, not much change, we've had a busy month.
Here is my January picture.
Amazing how much different it looks when the picture is taken during the day versus at night. I hope to make more progress next month.
Until next time,
Posted by Julie at 03:45 5 comments
Labels: February progress, Julie S.
Jacqueline K B's February Progress...
Above is my January progress, while below is the February...I've been mixing up the Viki Clayton hand dyes Everlasting, Quince 1411, and Fish Pepper 4425 to make it more interesting.
I'm so glad I have this to do to calm my nerves while my husband looks for's been very relaxing and gives me a sense of accomplishment.
Posted by Jacqueline Korteland Boller at 03:14 4 comments
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Rachael's Febuary Progress
As it was in January
And sorry for the poor picture, My progress for February
Not much I'm afraid!
Thank you for looking
Posted by Stitchabilities at 12:21 9 comments
Labels: February progress, Rachael
Julie's February Progress
Posted by Julie at 11:46 6 comments
Labels: February's progress, Julie