Hi and Happy New Year's Eve to all the Beatrix Potter fans. I am so happy to be a part of this group even though it has taken me numerous tries (and some help from Hazel and other members) to be able to finally post.
I have been stitching for almost 30 years (and no I did not start stitching as an infant, but rather when I was expecting our first child). I discovered Quaker designs more than two years ago when I was looking for an appropriate design to stitch as a wedding sampler for our oldest son and his bride to be. I found a lovely Ellen Chester - With My Needle design, called A Token of Love. I stitched it with a beautiful ivory silk on a tan hand-dyed linen, and have been seeking Quaker designs ever since then.
I've had my linen and silks for this project for about a month or so. I will be stitching Beatrix on 36 count Bisque by Lakeside Linen (over two) with Belle Soie silks in Rustique. I originally selected Belle Soie Icing as the secondary accent color, but until I get stitching, I won't know if I will stick with that choice or go for something a tad darker.
I hope to get my linen on my scroll bars today, so that I will be ready to stitch tomorrow.
I wish you all joyful stitching in the new year,
Sharon in St. Louis (Missouri)
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Sharon's Intro and Floss Toss
Posted by SharoninStLouis at 15:35 2 comments
Hi Sharon,
I don't know if I post in the correct way, as this is my first time in a blog, but as it works...
Firstly access your blog page - I do it by pressing my blog nickname (luanova) in the contributers' list. It gives my profile page. There I double click on the title Blogger and I access the Dashboard. In this page I find "New Post".
I'm sure there's an easier way, but so far I'm using this one that I found out.
Hope I have been of some help.
Posted by Cristina at 13:06 1 comments
Joining the Group
Hi everyone. I am DonnaTN from Memphis, TN. My sister, Tish, and I are joining the group. We are very excited about starting our Beatrix Potter Samplers. Thank you Hazel for letting us join. Better late than never.
Tish wants to stitch, not post, so I will be posting for the both of us. Tish is a retired elementary school librarian, so there is a strong BP connection.
This is a photo of my fabric and threads. We both have chosen more color than is in the original. I will have to go over to Tish's and take a photo of her choices. I am using Autumn Fields Cashel with a mix of Threadworx and DMC.
Posted by DonnaTN at 00:37 3 comments
Labels: fabric and thread choices
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Hi All from AZ!
Hi, I am Karen from Peoria, AZ. I finally decided i needed to take the plunge and get started on this piece. I have no idea what color fabric or threads i want to use. Well, i do have an idea, I am thinking of using Mer Blue by Belle Soie and coffee dying/baking my linen. I just need to get out this week to get my fabric and the threads. I am still on the line with the threads, so we will see what i come up with. I am also thinking about stitching this piece over 1, but that we will see about.
Posted by Karen at 20:14 1 comments
Labels: karen d. intro
Already or still making changes
Posted by Cristina at 17:29 3 comments
Hi fellow Beatrix fans - I see lots of familiar names in the list and thanks to Hazel for setting all this up for us. My blog name is Woolwoman but on most of the boards I frequent it is Melodyinfl. I like so many others have the entire Needleprints collection of charts in my stash - some have been started so are patiently waiting. Several guild friends have stitches Beatrix and she is certainly a beauty.
I have finally decided on Gloriana Cinnamon for the silk and 36ct Lakeside vintage light examplar for the linen. I don't have a scan yet - I just got a new Sony Cyber Shot and need to get some practice on it and upload a photo of my choice.
Sounds like a fun group! See you on New Years Day! Melody
Posted by woolwoman at 15:04 1 comments
Monday, 29 December 2008
Almost there
I decided I'd better get my piece all set up to be ready for Thursday. Good thing I did!
The q-snaps I brought from home (we are visiting our aunt in Florida for New Year's) were way too loose for the delicate linen. So I had to venture to the only close store which was a Michael's to get some kind of hoop. Brought home two different ones, just in case.
Then I had to put in a few center stitches to mount the hoop. Luckily I brought two packages of needles of different brands- since the silk only fit through the eye of one brand- which I know because of an extended period of frustration trying to thread the other brand. It was after this that I discovered, also through frustrating experience, that only one hoop worked.
I put in a little portion of the central motif- by then I was determined that I had to test everything so as not to be totally frustrated on Thursday. It has been a while since I worked on/with a) silks, b) 30 count and c) a true (and therefore uneven) linen. The silks have a texture that is really interesting and that I like, but I had to decide right away whether I was going to be OCD about how the stitches laid- which I promptly decided I was NOT! No railroading on a piece this size- if the silks have texture I am going to include that in the piece.
It took a while to get my mojo back for silk, all the slubs, wide and narrow threads and seeing, with some effort, 30 count, but after a little while it all got comfortable.
So, after much to-do, I am ready to begin on Thursday. I will post the picture of my "test run" on Thursday as my first post of the SAL. Until then, no stitching. I can't finish the piece I wanted to get done before starting this one- I brought the whole kit with me- except the CHART which is still attached to my stitching lamp at home. DUH!!!!
I am hoping the New Year will bring better stitching luck than the end of the old year, lol!
Posted by Teresa at 23:20 1 comments
Fabric and thread choice
Hi everyone, thanks to Hazel for organising this SAL and for letting me join in.
I'm stitching Beatrix on Lakeside Linens' 36ct Vintage Maritime White linen with HDF Examplar Raisin Wine; as you can see, I've been testing out the thread and I'm really happy with my choice.
Posted by Anonymous at 18:59 1 comments
Labels: KarenV
All Ready ...
I've cut my fabric and tea-dyed it, resulting in a subtle mottling. The sand colour got darker but that's okay since it gave an aged look. I'll be using Pumpkin B for most of the motifs and Pumpkin A (darker) for the filler motifs.
Posted by Barbara J at 02:31 5 comments
Labels: floss toss
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Beatrix Potter Quaker
Well it was just last week I finally got ahold of Jacqueline to able to get this pattern, now to get my linen and pick my threads. I love stitching Quaker motify's. I'm working on quite a few of them at the moment. I thought one more wouldn't make a difference at this point. I love all the colours that you stitcher have picked so far! I really haven't decided on what colour I'm going pick yet? I hope by Thursday I have made a decision on this so I can get started with everyone. Thanks, for letting me join in this SAL. I do better with I stitch others can't wait to see some pictures.
Kris UT
Posted by Kris3 at 23:58 1 comments
To join the SAL...
To be part of this SAL please can you email me with the subject "Beatrix Potter SAL" and I will send you an invite to the blog. I have just noticed a few people commenting about joining but I don't have access to your emails. You can get me at hazelhenry@hotmail.com and my details show in my profile. Sorry if people have been waiting a while - I just didn't see the comments. I would love you to join in and have by no means rejected anybody from joining this blog - it is NOT an exclusive blog. Hope to hear from more of you soon.
Just to reiterate - I do need you to email me before I can send you an invite to this blog.
Posted by Hazel at 21:46 0 comments
Ready for the SAL
Posted by Cristina at 17:29 1 comments
Paula Sibbald from Kelmscott Designs has contacted me to say that she would like to contribute something from the Kelmscott collection to the end of year drawing!!!!
Thank you so much Paula. I am sure this will spur us all on to work at this project each month!
Remember you can only be included for the end of year drawing if you show at least one progress post a month for twelve months. Obviously if you finish the project before then you will automatically be included in the drawing.
Paula will be joining us in this SAL too.
Have fun.
Posted by Hazel at 09:43 5 comments
I have finally decided
Posted by Bonnie at 03:26 1 comments
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Fabric and Threads
I decided to stay simple (like me, lol) for my fabric I have chosen Brittney Natural 28ct and my threads are a mixture of colours of Victorian Motto Threads these are not all of the colours I still have some on order, which hopefully will arrive shortly.
Posted by Tracy Dixon at 21:22 2 comments
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Finally Here!
I originally wanted to use an R and R fabric for this piece, but it wasn't in stock - so changed it to the Antique Ivory Belfast. The silk is Vikki Clayton, Quince and White - looks great!
I am leaving Boxing Day to holiday in France/Spain for a few weeks so I will start there and post my progress when I get back. Happy New Year all.
Posted by Deb at 11:32 1 comments
Monday, 22 December 2008
Fabric and Floss (Redwitch)
Thanks Hazel for hosting this SAL! I am really looking forward to making a start and have so enjoyed looking at everyone's choices of fabric and floss.
My fabric is 36ct Khaki from Sassy's Fabbys and I treated myself to Belle Soie silk 'Rose of Sharon' for the main shade. I thought I'd chosen a lighter shade of pink 'Rosebud' for the white but as you can see from the photo (Rosebud is on the left) it is almost exactly the same shade. Instead I might choose Belle Soie 'Oatmeal Scone' or 'Baguette', these came with the latest Loose Feathers so I have them already.
Festive greetings to you all :)
Posted by glamlawlib at 17:07 3 comments
Labels: Redwitch
Sunday, 21 December 2008
I'm joining the SAL!
Hello everyone - I'm Paula Sibbald from Bengough Saskatchewan Canada. In the stitching world I am known as the designer/owner of Kelmscott Designs.
I'm quite enthused to join this SAL - I must confess as much as I love Beatrix Potter, I was a person who "came late" to wanting to stitch this sampler and in fact did not purchase the original chart. What happened though, as it often does for me, is that I started to see this piece finished by other stitchers using different fabrics and threads and that got me wanting to stitch this. Fortunately Jacquelyn offered this chart in the pdf format and I was able to purchase it. Then I seemed to take a while to fine tune fabric and thread choices, but I finally decided! I am using 40ct Vintage Bisque by Lakeside Linens and Blue Lagoon Belle Soie silk by Crescent Colours. Just to be sure, I had to stitch one motif and I really love it.
I haven't taken a photo - to be honest I'm not familiar with the "workings" of posting on a blog (just LOVE reading them) and so if this text makes it onto the blog, that'll be great, nex time I'll also try a photo!
Up until April my husband and I were still working at our "day jobs" but fortunately Kelmscott Designs had grown so fast, we were able to quit our "day" jobs, move from Victoria BC and purchase a summer house in Bengough Saskatchewan and a winter place in Mesa AZ. While I am still busy designing, etc., this has truly been wonderful as it has freed up some of my time to stitch and the bonus is that Attic Needlework, right here in Mesa has a stitching evening each Thursday, so it is wonderful being surrounded with such an inspirational shop and an incredible number of talented stitchers - I look forward to working on this SAL piece each Thursday and am sure that I will have this piece completed in 2009.
Thank you Hazel for hosting this SAL - to everyone else - I am SO enthused by your fabric and thread choices and I look forward to seeing progress throughout 2009! Paula
Posted by Paula at 19:11 1 comments
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Getting close...

Posted by Jacqueline Korteland Boller at 23:05 6 comments
My fabric and thread choices
Have finally decided that I will be stitching over one on 28ct antique cream linen, using Vikki Clayton's Fish Pepper 4427 silk as well as the Examplar White Chocolate for the accents.
Posted by Grace at 11:08 2 comments
Labels: floss toss
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Almost ready to start
Thank you Hazel for organising this SAL. I have had this chart in my 'must do' cupboard for sometime but kept changing my mind about what colour to stitch it in. I am being true to my star sign by procrastinating ! At this stage I have some 32 count Jobelan out and I think the colour is Bay Leaf but now trying to decide on what shade of dark green to stitch it it.
I was lucky enough to spent 3 weeks in England in October this year and visited the wonderful Lakes District and managed to see Beatrix Potter's home Hill Top. I was so excited to see this sampler in real life so when I arrived home the chart came to to top of the project list. I have been stitching for many years and always have far too many projects on the go and keep finding news ones I want to do. I am sure I will never get through them all in one life time but one thing I do is always start a new project on the 1st day of a new year. It is one way of having an excuse to start a new project!!
Looking forward to following everyones progress - Best Wishes to all for the festive season
Margie May - Melbourne, Australia.
Posted by Margie May at 03:44 2 comments
Monday, 15 December 2008
Hi Everyone,
I'm so excited to be part of this SAL. Thank you so much for doing this Hazel. I had been looking for this pattern for a while now and am thrilled to have it.
I live in Camrose, Alberta, Canada with my husband, Norm, and have been stitching for about 28 years. I am also a quilter and I love to read.
My husband and I will spend Christmas in Calgary with our children and grandchildren.
The fabric I have chosen is 28 ct. Jobelan, the color is stormy gray. My thread is Simply Shaker Sampler Thread in color Briar Rose. I plan to stitch with 1 ply over 1 thread.
I am looking forward to Jan 1st, I can hardly wait to see everyone's progress.
Merry Christmas everyone! Brenda
Posted by Brenda at 00:25 2 comments
Friday, 12 December 2008
Ready to go ....
Posted by Chris at 19:11 3 comments
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Joining the group
Thank you for letting me join. I am a mother of three, 15,12 and 5. I live in Marietta, GA and am getting ready to start doing testing to become a teacher. I've been a stay at home mom for five years and will be rejoining the "working" world hopefully in August. I'm looking at it as going on a vacation as my husband will have to start sharing housekeeping duties again. I have been stitching for 20+ years. I am looking forward to begin stitching on this pattern. I have got creme fabric and Silk N Colors Ambrosia (pastel colors). I have gotten the pattern and am hoping to have this done before next Christmas. I can't wait until the 1st. I'll try to post a picture of the fabric and colors soon.
Thanks, Renee
Posted by Renee at 22:32 2 comments
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Hello, I am new !
Hello dear stitchers, by random from blog to blog I discovered this SAL. Is this SAL will save me .... ? I hope !! Twice time I try to stitch this nice sampler (I am a Beatrix Potter fan). In first, I began with a linen fabric natural color and some Atalie threads but the weaving of this fabric was too bad for my eyes. The second time, I choose a linen cream yellow and I stopped........ too much yellow in the cream ;-).
So, I think I will use my so favorite : Zweigart linen mocha 32 count. For the thread , I will think about it.
My name is Elisabeth, I am french , 50 years old, married to Pierre , 2 daughters Alice (12) & Laurène (11). I am a assistante maternelle, (I don't know the right word in english sorry) : I keep other parents' children in my home.
In the list , I read the name of Cathymk and Mary Kathryn. Hello my friends ! It's a nice surprise to see you here too :-)
I have a blog : http://lesloisirsdebehoteguy.over-blog.com
So, thank you Hazel and all stitchers to accept me in this little community !
I will be ready the first January and I hope to finish this nice (but big !!) sampler .
Posted by elisabethb at 20:51 3 comments
Saturday, 6 December 2008
So happy to join all of you!
My name is Allie, I'm 31 years old & live in the far north suburbs of Chicago with my guy & our black lab Abby. I've been stitching for about 8 years, mostly cross-stitch, but also a little drawn thread, Hardanger, and punch needle. I've never done a historic sampler before, so this is a new adventure for me. My favorite designer is Drawn Thread & I tend to like really big pieces that take ages to finish. (c: I'm getting into the final stretch on Cirque des Cercles, so hopefully I can wrap that up this month.
I got my fabric the other day (R&R Creme Brulee) & picked my thread color, WDW Lancaster Red. They're showing more rosey tones in the pic, but the fabric is more tan toned & the threads more brick red. I'm going to have to sit on my hands until Jan 1!
The e-copy of the chart Jaqueline sent doesn't have the stitcher's journal portion. I'm curious, for those who have it, what does that include? I read a bit about Beatrix Potter online and hadn't realized what a conservationist she was - she amassed an amazing amount of land for preservation. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good biography of her?
Happy stitching,
Posted by Allie at 16:56 4 comments
Monday, 1 December 2008
One month to go!!
Just a quick note to remind us there is one month before we start!! I am loving everyone's pics of floss tosses. If you haven't done so already please post a short introduction and tell us some of your stitching habits as well as a photo of fabric and floss you are going to be using. I am still overwhelmed that so many people are up for the challenge of this SAL and I still get emails on a daily basis requesting to join. This is going to be fab! Have a great Christmas everyone. xx
Posted by Hazel at 23:03 2 comments