Hi everyone!
Thanks for letting me join the SAL, Rachael, even if I did blame you (justified, I thought!) for tempting me with this sampler. I actually started on 28ct Jobelan doing 1 over 1 but my eyes couldn't cope so decided to start again and stick to 2 over 2. I'm really enjoying it so far.
I'll be using DMC 311, 334, 3760 and 3761 fr the border.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Helen R's start January 2010
Posted by WelshHelen at 14:01 5 comments
Labels: HelenR, January 2010 progress
Shari's January Progress
I seem to have the same excuse every month. I think I am going to get a bunch of time on my B. Potter at the end of the month & something comes up! This time, it was the triplets again!!!! Daddy deployed this past week. Mommy called on Wed. & asked if we could watch the boys for an extended weekend. Of course grandma said yes! but.....grandma was going to work on BP the last 5 days of the month!
Oh well, I do have a little bit of progress to show!
Posted by Shari at 13:36 2 comments
Brenda's January Progress
Not very much progress this month but I guess some is better than nothing.
Welcome to all the new people joining this SAL, I'm glad to see we are keeping this going.
Happy stitching,
Posted by Brenda at 04:35 3 comments
Labels: January 2010 progress
Sandy's Jan-10 Progress
This was my progress at the end of December.
Here is where I ended in January. Only worked on 1 motif. Year end at work was brutal and I only got to stitch on Bea yesterday. Hopefully I will get more time in February. Thanks to Rachael for taking over the SAL.
Posted by Sandy at 03:15 2 comments
Labels: Sandy's Jan-10 Progress
DonnaTN's Jan Progress
Above is where I was at the end of December. Below is my progress for January.
I got 2 motifs from the left side finished! Looks like a good start year 2 of Beatrix!
Posted by DonnaTN at 01:35 1 comments
Labels: Beatrix Potter Jan Progress
Tish's Jan. Progress
Above is December's progress.
Tish made tons of progress this month! The soft blues show up much better IRL!
DonnaTN for her sister Tish
Posted by DonnaTN at 01:13 1 comments
Labels: Beatrix Potter Jan Progress
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Ellen L's January 2010 Progress
Here is my progress for January. Not much, just one motif at the bottom. I plan to finish BP this year.
Posted by Ellen at 08:39 2 comments
Labels: Ellen L, January 2010 progress
Friday, 29 January 2010
New to the group!
Hello everyone! I am brand new to the Beatrix Potter SAL and I am very excited to be a part of this! Thank you to Rachel for being so quick in her response and invitation. I have loved this pattern ever since I first saw it. I ran to my LNS the other day so that I could procure the needed fabric and thread before the snowstorm hit here in VA. Prime stitching time during a snowstorm! I am using the called for Antique White fabric in 32 ct. and Bretheren Blue threads from Crescent Colors.
Posted by Valerie at 16:29 3 comments
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Five Days left
Five more days left of January to post your progress photos, Where has this month gone?
I look forward to seeing those beautiful Samplers
Posted by Stitchabilities at 19:15 1 comments
Labels: Rachael
Monday, 25 January 2010
January 2010 Progress for Sharon in St. Louis

I am sure with the continued encouragement of the wonderful stitchers in this group I will be able in 2010 to join those who have finished this beautiful project. My thanks to our new moderator for continuing the group.
Sharon in St. Louis
Posted by SharoninStLouis at 01:46 5 comments
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
I am officially handing over to ....
Rachael. Thanks for letting me run this SAL. It has been a lot of fun. I have enjoyed stitching with you guys and getting to some of you a little better along the way. Rachael is going to be taking over admin on this blog so please direst all your enquiries to her at fushiafairy@msn.com . I have deleted any participants who have not posted since June. If you have found you have been deleted but still wish to participate you will need to email Rachael for another invite. We have plenty of spaces for new members wishing to join too. If I have made any errors then I apologise and will do whatever to put it right.
Thanks again!
Posted by Hazel at 13:42 2 comments
Sunday, 17 January 2010
BP Finish!
167, 300, 356, 400, 407, 436, 437, 632, 738, 758, 759, 779, 780, 801, 840, 841, 898, 918, 919, 920, 921, 938, 975, 976, 3064, 3771, 3772, 3773, 3776, 3778, 3781, 3790, 3826, 3856, 3859, 3860, 3861,
3862, 3863.
Started 18.01.09. Third time lucky, discarded two starts as had problems with Rose of Sharon, Crescent Colours thread bleeding.
Finished 10.01.10. The initials are mine to my other half, BP for Beatrix Potter and HT for Hill Top, year 2009 as this is the year in which it was mostly stitched and the year when we visited the original sampler in Beatrix's Hill Top Farm in the Lake District.
I've really enjoyed this SAL, thanks to Hazel and to all the other stitchers who have posted and given encouragment to carry on, wouldn't have done it without you! Cheering on all you stitchers who are participating this year :)
Posted by glamlawlib at 16:36 6 comments
Labels: Redwitch
Saturday, 16 January 2010
And the winner is......
Congrats Rachael. Please email me your address and I will get the gifts sent off to you as soon as I can. The weather is pretty bad where I am and I also need an evening or two to finish my little stitched gift.
Well done everyone who participated.
Posted by Hazel at 10:59 7 comments
Friday, 15 January 2010
Rachael's Progress January 2010
Posted by Stitchabilities at 09:35 3 comments
Labels: January 2010 progress, Rachael
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Contestants are as follows...
The following met the criteria of posting at least 10 out of 12 progress pictures during the year and/or finished the piece. If your name is NOT on here and you feel it should be then let me know SOON. I will leave it up and do the draw Saturday 9th January.
Chris (Always Smiling)
Carol R
Donna TN
Elisabeth B
Hazel (I won't be including me in the draw)
Jacqueline Korteland Boller
Jeanne Willow Tree Stitcher
Julie (Old bagpuss)
Margie May
Ellen L
That makes 29 not including yours truely. Stakes are high. xx
Posted by Hazel at 13:38 6 comments
CarolR - Finish - 06.01.2010
Posted by Carol R at 11:37 6 comments
Monday, 11 January 2010
2010 Prize Draw
For those of us left doing this SAL, I am going to run the same incentive as Hazel did, Post 10 out of 12 months or finish your BPQ sampler and your name will go into a draw in January for a little gift!
I do hope you all keep on stitching and posting.
I look forward to seeing all your progress pics in 2010.
And for anyone that would like to join us feel free to email me.
Posted by Stitchabilities at 13:02 3 comments
Labels: Rachael
Sunday, 10 January 2010
New Year, new start
Well, I didn't get very far on my BP last year. I got discouraged when the floss ran, put her aside and never picked her back up again.
But today I sat down and cut another piece of fabric, rounded up more floss, and printed out the first page of the pattern (again!). Tomorrow I'll start stitching her--again--with the goal of actually, really and truly, positively FINISHING her this year!
So I'm glad to see that the blog is going to continue for another year, and I hope that you'll allow me to continue as a member.
Ann in Baton Rouge
Posted by Ann at 02:36 3 comments
Labels: Ann in Baton Rouge
Monday, 4 January 2010
December progress
There were 18 of us in December and a few finishes too. Well done ladies. This wraps up our year. I will tally up the list for the draw later today and put it up. PLEASE PLEASE check the list. If your name is not on and you think it should be on then LET ME KNOW by email at hazelhenry@hotmail.com
I will be passing the blog onto Rachael who will keep it going again for another year but before I do I will delete any inactive members and also members who have finished (including me!) to leave room for anyone else who wishes to join up. More details to follow soon.
Thank you to everyone who took part and who were patient with me. I have really enjoyed doing this SAL but now I will be moving onto Mary Wigham where I have been a little neglectful of late. You never know I may even have another Needleprint finish before the year is out.
Posted by Hazel at 13:34 8 comments
Sunday, 3 January 2010
December progress

Posted by Grace at 16:34 1 comments
Labels: December progress, Grace
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Elisabeth's December progress
Hello and happy new year dear stitchers friends. Santa Claus came with a new computer to us. Great ! but impossible for me to re-find all my files :-( My husbant did the changement and....I am not very confortable with this new "toy" !
So, I will put today only one picture (I know, it's not the right way....)
My progress is little, this is my December stitching :
To see the difference you must scroll down to my last article in November :-(
I think that one year more will not be too much to finish .......if you want to keep me again ;-) The next time , I will put 2 pictures !!!! I promise.
Congratulations to all of you have finished !!
Posted by elisabethb at 14:32 0 comments
Friday, 1 January 2010
Tracy's December Progress
Although I have not kept up with this when I do stitch it I really get into it and thought I would post my progress for this month.
December Progress
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year xx
Posted by Tracy Dixon at 14:24 2 comments
Shari's Dec. progress
Despite not having any stitching time at all for about 2 weeks in Dec., I made real good progress when I did have time. I finished the motif I was working on, finished another one, and got a good start on another.
I truly do hope someone steps up to keep this blog going. It is so motivational to have a place to report the progress & I do want to finish this piece in 2010. Thanks so much to Hazel for keeping us motivated this year.
Posted by Shari at 13:03 1 comments
Dolly's December Progress
Posted by Dolly at 07:30 2 comments
Labels: December's progress
Brenda's December Progress
The top picture is from last month and bottom picture is as of today. Well, I finished one motif that I started last month and then did one more (bottom right corner). I wish I could have finished this in one year but I will carry on with it. Congratulations to all of you that have finished, they are all really nice.
Happy New Year to everyone and Happy Stitching
Posted by Brenda at 03:24 1 comments
Labels: December progress
Sandy's December Progress
At the end of November here is where Bea was:
I live in Nebraska in the US and we had a Christmas Blizzard this year. So, I got a little extra time with Bea this month. I completed 2 larger motifs.
Posted by Sandy at 00:31 1 comments
Labels: Sandy's December Progress