The upper picture is Tish's entire sampler so far. Below is a close up of her progress since June. There hasn't been too much progress the last 2 month, just too much going on.
Below is the photo of Tish's June progress. It is rotated the wrong way, but you get a good look at the pretty colors she is using.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Tish's August Progress
Posted by DonnaTN at 23:59 0 comments
Labels: August Progress, Beatrix Potter SAL
Hazel's August Update
Not a whole lot done this month but getting back into the groove with it I think. Here's July:
and here's August:
So that's nearly 3 motifs. Not too bad. xx
Posted by Hazel at 21:43 3 comments
Allie's August Progress
I didn't make much progress between last time and August, but managed to finish one motif and start another between an interstate move!
Hopefully cooler weather will bring more stitching time.
Posted by Allie at 20:06 0 comments
Labels: Allie, August Progress
Redwitch's August Progress & visit to Hill Top!
As of June: I had a break in July, so this shows my August progress, not much, but some is better than nothing I guess:
It is well worth a visit, this is my first Needleprint reproduction sampler, but I have some others lined up, don't we all?! If you get a chance to visit the originals of any samplers you are working on I would definately recommend it, it sent shivers down my spine!
Posted by glamlawlib at 12:09 6 comments
Labels: Redwitch
August This was at the end of july,
Posted by annemieke at 11:40 3 comments
Ellen L's August Progress
Here is my progress for August, only two motifs added. Sorry for the poor picture, it's dark and cloudy today.
Ellen L
Posted by Ellen at 10:12 0 comments
Labels: August Progress, Ellen L
Chris's update 31st Aug
This is where I was last month and now....
..... I have done a bit more this month. The hexigon with the initials AY caused that frog to hop out of the pond.. I happily stitched down the right side as you look at it and then without looking at the chart did the same up the other side only to find when I counted the stitches was horrified to see it wasn't the same as the other side so out it all came.. and then I stitched all the swan only to discover when it didn't fit with the bottom bits, I was a stitch row out, so out all that came as well!
But in spite of that I am enjoying it and love to see it growing.
Everybodys' is looking very good, well done and I shall do a lot more this month.
Happy Stitching
Chris x
Posted by Chris at 08:50 0 comments
beth's aug progress
Here's what I had done in July:

and here's my progress for august:

I'm really enjoying seeing everyone's progress- they're all so beautful!
Posted by beth at 05:39 1 comments
Labels: August Progress, beth's progress
Brenda's August Progress
Here is my progress for August. I guess I should have had more done because I did not post in July.
Oh well, I will try to do lots in September. I still love to see how everyone is doing, let's all keep going!
Til next month,
Posted by Brenda at 04:15 3 comments
Labels: August Progress
Jacqueline K B's August Progress...
Above is my July progress, while below is my was a very difficult and busy month, so I'm glad I have this SAL to help keep me motivated and focused!
I hope to make better progress in September...
Posted by Jacqueline Korteland Boller at 03:29 5 comments
Sunday, 30 August 2009
August progress
I can't believe it's the end of Winter in the Southern hemisphere! I have so much to think about before Christmas it's ridiculous. Lucky I have something to distract me.
Here's where I was last time
and here's where I am now....
As you can see I have finished the interior motifs and I have started working on the border. I would like to finish in 2009 - but not sure I will. I also have to admit to cheating (not on purpose). I have completely forgotten to stitch the neutral highlights! So I will try to get some of those done in September also. Happy stitching until next time,
Posted by Deb at 09:59 2 comments
Labels: August's progress
Saturday, 29 August 2009
August - CarolR

Posted by Carol R at 12:21 1 comments
Labels: August Progress, CarolR
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
5 days left!!!
To post up your August updates. Is it me or has this month just passed me by??? I'd better get some stitches in on poor old BP. She hasn't seent much of the needle this month. x
Posted by Hazel at 14:05 2 comments
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Julie's August progress

Have enjoyed getting back on track in August, 11 more motifs to add so should be on track for a 2009 finish
Julie x
Posted by Julie at 20:09 1 comments
Labels: August Progress, Julie
Margie May's Progress in August
Rather early with this post of progress for August but I don't think I will have the chance to do more as some other projects are becoming a little more urgent. I am enjoying the freedom of being able to put this project down and working it whenever I have the time between others.
Posted by Margie May at 05:39 2 comments
Labels: August Progress, Margie May
Sunday, 9 August 2009
29 of us in July
29 of us stitched in July. Where has everyone gone??? If I have made an error please let me know. Thanks. xx
Posted by Hazel at 15:57 3 comments
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Beezie is Coming Along...
My July progress is kinda sad. I hadn't the time to spend on Beezie because my DD and baby grandboy, Kellan, were moving, and I had to spend all my spare time with them before they left. Mostly, what was stitched was in spurts and clumps of time stolen from my RRs and SALs, and between old movies and the likes of the "Bachelorette"....and books!
I love this piece and she is in my mind as a priority. :] Every month that goes by, she's closer to being finished.....
I'm planning to give Beatrix to my grandgirl, Hadley, in the end. So, I'm leaving all initials out at the moment until the whole piece is stitched. By the end of it, I'll decide what goes where, as they say.
Posted by Deb at 01:54 1 comments
Monday, 3 August 2009
Maxine's July Progress
Well I didn't have too bad a month, the darned frogs won't leave though.... I think every time I bring this one out to stitch on they decide to hold a party and even more turn up lol! I did some work down the left hand side last month so nearly at the bottom on both sides :)
Here's June pic... And here is July pic... sorry for the creases but I'm trying to wait till it's finished before it get's a wash and a proper ironing. Keep up the great work everyone and congratulations to those that have actually finished:)
Maxine (So Much Stash - Sew Little Time my blog)
Posted by Maxine at 09:21 0 comments
Labels: July's Progress, Maxine
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Bonnie's July Progress
It seems like I stitched a lot on Beatrix this month, more than last month. But looking at the before and after I don't see a lot. I still haven't finished the motif at the top. But I am keeping the faith and maybe more will show up in August. Now that I have this much completed it is getting more encouraging to finish one motif so I can start on the next. lol.
Does this make much sense?

Posted by Bonnie at 20:51 0 comments
Grace's July Progress

Posted by Grace at 17:41 0 comments
Labels: Beatrix Potter July progress, Grace
Sharon in St. Louis July Progress
Hi Stitchers -- After making July progress that I was pleased with, we left on vacation, without Miss Beatrix. I woke up this morning and realized that I had yet to post a photo for July. Hope that I am not too late.
In July, I stitched as far as I could go without removing my Q-snaps, and made the decision to change the initials to suit my own family. Now I am ready to put her back on the Q-Snaps and get going again. I am so enjoying this stitch, and love seeing everyone's progress. Way to go those of you who have already finished. I still have a way to go, but am loving every stitch.
Happy stitching all,
Posted by SharoninStLouis at 12:19 1 comments
Labels: July's Progress, Sharon in St. Louis
Dolly's July Progress
Posted by Dolly at 09:34 0 comments
Labels: July's Progress, progress
Tish's July Progress
Tish does have progress, but I do not have photographic proof! I saw it last weekend, but I didn't have my camera. This week she is having her driveway redone and there is only a sea of mud where there once was a spot to park. She lives on a narrow 2 lane road with a small drainage ditch between the road and the hill she lives on. There is no where to park and be off the road and not in the ditch! (They have a baby SUV that can cross the ditch.) I'll get some photos posted as soon as I can.
DonnaTN for her non blogging sister Tish
Posted by DonnaTN at 02:05 0 comments
Labels: Beatrix Potter July progress
DonnaTN's July Progress
Here is June's progress.
Here is July's progress. I nearly made my goal of finishing the whole bottom row of motifs. Now I can trim the right edge of my fabric so I can handle this piece more easily!
Posted by DonnaTN at 01:50 0 comments
Labels: Beatrix Potter July progress
Jeanne M's July progress

Posted by Jeanne at 01:46 1 comments
Labels: Jeanne M, July's Progress