Here she is from the end of May.
Here she is after June. I really only got to stitch a little bit this month, but I managed to finish the variegated motif and make a good start on the next. I want to try to get the bottom row worked so I can be more comfortable cutting the big chunk of fabric to the left. I didn't want to risk cutting it too close, but working around that extra fabric is getting old. We'll see what progress July brings!
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
DonnaTN's June Progress
Posted by DonnaTN at 23:42 0 comments
Labels: June progress
Tish's June Progress
This is Tish's progress from the end of April. She didn't have a May update.
Here is her progress for June. It should be turned 90 degrees to show the right side. I may be prejudiced because she's my sister, but I think her green motif is beautiful.
DonnaTn for Tish
Posted by DonnaTN at 23:32 0 comments
Labels: June progress
June Post 'n Progress from FL
Here just below is my progress as of June 30th. And, the other picture is of work before in June. I continue to love this sampler and can't wait to hang it in my house someday... :)
Congratulations to everyone who's finishing up! Please wish me luck as I tag along behind you! :)
Posted by Deb at 23:23 1 comments
No pics this month
I have made very little progress this month as I have been doing the pre-stitching for a class in September. So this will be one of the two months in which I won't be posting. Hope to catch up a little by the end of July.
Posted by Grace at 22:54 0 comments
Labels: Grace, June progress
Hazel's June progress
Here's May:
And here's June:
Two and a bit motifs. I am still on target! Got soo busy with pifs this month that she kind of took a back seat! Love getting back into her though. x
Posted by Hazel at 21:14 3 comments
Di's June progress
I was finally able to start Beatrix this month - my threads arrived mid-month, and I've posted "before and after" photos. I'm using a cream 36-ct. Edinburgh linen with Amy Mitten's Fibers to Dye For silk in Madam Rose - later I'll add her "Point Blank" (white) for the additional colour.
Posted by Dianne at 19:39 1 comments
Redwitch's June Progress
I did two of the larger motifs and two of the little ones, colour is much truer in the top photo. Really enjoying seeing everyones colour choices, I'm just picking DMC as I go along, it's a bit of a mystery what it will look like in the end!
It's pretty hot in much of the UK, including Wales at the moment, on the way home from work, my car said it was 29c. Hope it's nice where you are :)
Posted by glamlawlib at 19:33 2 comments
Labels: Redwitch
Chris's June update
I have met my June target of three motifs in fact I did more.. so I am pleased with my progress and have enjoyed stitching this; I tacked out where the motifs were to go before I started to make sure I positioned them correctly... sorry I can't post a pic of last months but can't find it in my picture folder..
I found last months so you can see how much progress I have made!
Posted by Chris at 12:48 4 comments
Labels: I
Veronica's June progress
Previous status:
That's my actual status:
my blog:
Posted by Dolci Fusa at 12:20 1 comments
Labels: June progress, Veronica
Tracy's June Progress
Here is my progress for June not much done this month as I have been ill this past week with cold...yuck
May's Progress
June's Progress
Posted by Tracy Dixon at 09:20 2 comments
Labels: June progress, Tracy's Progress
June Progress
As you can see there has been very little progress this month. Unfortunately I have needed to spend a lot of time with my 87 year old mother who is in hospital almost a one hour drive away. She had breast cancer 3 years ago,went through with surgery and 6 weeks of radiotherapy but now has a tumor in the stomach and problems with lymph nodes. She is so brave and has never complained and is trying to making it as easy as possible for everyone.
This small amount of stitching, 2 nights, is all I have done in 4 weeks which is most unusual as stitching is something I always turn to no matter what the mood or how I am feeling. At this stage each day with Mum is a bonus.
Posted by Margie May at 07:52 2 comments
Labels: June progress, Marg F, Margie May
June update
Here is my bit of update for June. I finished four more motifs...two small and two a bit bigger. I'll be working my way down the right side now.This is where I was at the end of May.
Here is my progress at the end of June.
Posted by lynda at 02:18 0 comments
Labels: Lynda; June progress
My June Progress

Posted by Bonnie at 01:45 0 comments
Monday, 29 June 2009
Brenda's June Progress
Here is my June progress, three more motifs. I am still enjoying stitching on this and seeing the progress done by everyone.
The Mary Wigham SAL is calling my name, so of course I want to start that now!!
Happy Stitching,
Posted by Brenda at 19:54 0 comments
Labels: June progress
Ellen L's June Progress
Slow progress, only two and a half motifs added in June. Sorry for the dark photo, it was dark and raining today.
Ellen L
Posted by Ellen at 14:33 0 comments
Labels: Ellen L, June progress
June - CarolR

Posted by Carol R at 14:11 0 comments
Labels: CarolR, June progress
Jacqueline K B's June Progress...
Above was my progress in May, and below is my progress in June...Whew!!! That sunflower with the wreath of leaves was very time consuming, but once done, it seemed the other motifs went rather quickly...
June was a very busy month...end of May, my mother in law passed away, and then my son graduated from high school and attended his college orientation...then Father's day and my parents' I just had to make time for Beatrix Potter to keep my hands busy and to keep me calm!! What a lovely stitch this still is...I love how it's coming along and enjoy seeing everyone else's too!!
Posted by Jacqueline Korteland Boller at 07:30 1 comments
Beth's June Progress
This month, I stitched 3 small motifs and put the last few stitches in the top right motif.


Posted by beth at 04:02 0 comments
Labels: beth's progress, June progress
Jeanne M's June Progress
Hard to believe we're at the end of June already. I did my Beatrix work early this month - thought I might get back to it the end of the month but I was busy with other things. I did stay on schedule and get 3 more motifs done in the lower left corner .
End of June Progress:

Posted by Jeanne at 00:52 0 comments
Labels: Jeanne M, June progress
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Rachael's June progress
Posted by Stitchabilities at 19:40 2 comments
Labels: June progress, Rachael